Kim Taehyung / V : Dance Teacher

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Featuring Bang Si Hyuk (PD Nim)

The slanted words are English.


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You entered the room feeling a little excited.

You saw the boys stretching, Taehyung gasped really loud and came running to you with his arms open but PD Nim (Bang Si Hyuk) stopped him.

"Hug your girlfriend later, Taehyung." Taehyung whines and goes back to lining with his members.

"1! 2! 3! Hello, We are BTS!" The boys bowed as you bowed too.

"This is your new dance teacher, Y/N. I know you all know her and I also think it's the best if you guys work with someone you are familiar with or comfortable with. Have fun working together." PD Nim says his goodbye and heads out the room but before he closed the door he looks at you and Taehyung and said: "and No PDA."

"Jagi-yah!" Taehyung hugs you and fill your face with kisses.

"Aigoo, YAH! PD Nim clearly said No PDA! What are you doing?" Namjoon yells breaking you two apart and standing between you two.

"Ne, I understand." You blushed. 

"Everyone, I am your new dance teacher, Y/N. Annyeong Haseyo!" You bowed. "So the song title is DOPE, right?" They nodded.

(A/N: Let's just pretend that "Y/N" was the one who created this dance ;) Shout out to Keone Madrid for the mad skills, he is the man that created the DOPE choreography.)

"So I've listened to it, it was DOPE." You chuckle, "But seriously, it really is dope. So let's get to work?"

"Alright... Everyone, ten minutes break. Drink water, wipe your sweats, change your shirts, or whatever." The boys nodded and you grab your water bottle and your towel.

Taehyung is lying on the floor, catching his breath as you smiled and walked up to him.

"Oppa, drink water." You kneel down and wiped the sweat from his forehead as he sat up and drank the water.

"Jagi... stop making such difficult and confusing moves." Taehyung whines as he rests his head on your shoulder.

"Jimin doesn't seem to have a problem with it. He's such a good dancer, you know." You teased.

"Yah... I am a really dangerous guy." He said.

"Oh jinjja?" You look at him, "Do dangerous guys call their girlfriends at midnight just because they had a nightmare of Jungkook eating a stuffed toy?" You teased. It was so funny that night, you were really worried why he called you at 12 AM. You thought he maybe got lost in the streets but called you for help but he just got a "terrifying" dream of Jungkook eating a stuffed toy.

"But it was really creepy and it kept me all night." He whines and hugs you.

"Aigoo... you are so dangerous." You said with a hint of sarcasm.

"But you love me though." He looks at you with his cute eyes.

"I love you too." You kissed his nose as he blushes and flashed you his squared smile which you loved about him.

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I am on writer's block and this is a REALLY short chapter, Mianhe :(

I was still doubting whether to switch the Jimin imagine with this one but I think it turned out great, right?

Anyways, VOTE if your bias is Taehyung/ V.

Vote if your bias wrecker is Taehyung/ V.

And VOTE if you think Taehyung is still a kid xD

And VOTE if you think Taehyung is still a kid xD

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Have a great night/day ya'll

Your favorite gal,

R <3

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