Chapter Thirteen

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A/N hello again:) still lost my voice, yay:( I'd just like to apologise for the fact that nothing huge has really happened in the last few chapters, well i mean, him asking her to be his is kinda huge but still;) and i'd also like to say sorry that the updates are pretty short but, i'll try make this one extra long okay:) 182 reads is crazy guys, thankyou all so very much, it means so much:) x x x


"Will you be mine?"

i stood there in complete and utter shock. I couldn't feel my legs, they gone to jelly and then become numb. My head was spinning. I could think or feel and my eyes started to go blurry. 

"Caitlyn!" i heard someone yell out. I started to feel like i was falling and it all went black.

*An hour later*  

my eyes opened and it took me a few moments to take in where i was. The familiar objects told me i was in Luke's front room. I sat up, stretching out and then stood up. I walked into the kitchen to find out where everyone was and i looked out of the patio doors. Liz and Luke were both running in the garden, Molly chasing behind as they threw a frizbee between them. Then i remembered why i was here.

Those four words ran through my head over and over. It didn't seem real. I knew i had been getting very close to Luke and i knew that i had liked him and he had said he liked me. But i never thought this could be real, that this could or would happen. And then i remembered how i had fainted. 

I never answered him! i cried mentally facepalming myself. I left him there, cold out on the ground without an answer. I suddenly felt really bad. 

Luke saw me standing in the kitchen and began running over to the house, running his hand through his hair. When he reached the doors he stopped and lent against the door frame, his toned forearms showing as he rubbed one of his hands off in his singlet. 

"hello" he chuckled looking across at me. My cheeks suddenly went pink. 

"i uhh, hi" i smiled up at him, stuttering my words, "i.. i'm sorry... for you know.. well.. earlier..." i trailed off not really sure what to say to him. 

"hey shh" he cooed, walking over to me and pulling me into his chest, his arms around me stroking my hair and holding me tight. He lifted my chin so i was looking up at him and planted a soft kiss on my lips before touching our foreheads together. "so, do i get my answer yet?" he chuckled to himself

"yes" i replied

"yes i get my answer or yes to the question?" he asked, biting down on his lip. I couldn't take my eyes off those lips, the soft rosy pink colour, the feel of that cool black lip ring on my own lips in my head. "earth to Caitlyn" he chuckled nudging my nose with his own.

"both i guess" i giggled before eskimo kissing him. This was it. I was officially dating Luke Hemmings.

*Luke's p.o.v*    

I can't believe she said yes. As i looked down at the bright eyed girl stood wrapped up in my arms a warmth spread through me. I had her, she was mine. I didn't realise i could fall in love with someone this much, but i knew i would fall even deeper. Everything she did i loved. The way she laughed, how she subconsciously bit her lip whilst she was thinking. How she pulled the funniest derp faces whilst we were taking pictures. Those long beautiful legs. How she raised her eyebrow when i acted stupid before joining in. Every. Little. Thing. She wasn't perfect, nobody is. But her imperfections made her who she is and i love it, i love her. 

I'm your cure [Luke Hemmings au]Where stories live. Discover now