Chapter Twenty Six

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A/N Thankyou all so freakin much for the votes and everything:) there's only going to be a few more chapters, buutttt there will be a sequel!:) heheh just letting y'all know:)


six days later i found myself sitting on the floor beside my suitcase. I was going home tomorrow so i had packed everything i could already so tomorrow would be a relaxed day. i had led out some plain black leggings and Michael's pierce the veil baseball top that he had given to me for the flight tomorrow. It was half twelve and i had the house to myself because Michael had gone out with Ashton earlier. 

I hadn't spoken to Luke since last Saturday at the cafe, and i didn't really want to, although i missed him. I had all my stuff with me at Michael's so i didn't even know if i would see Luke before i got back to England. Then i remembered i had to sit next to him on the plane, our seats were next to each other. 

I got up after checking i had everything and headed downstairs to make some lunch. After putting together a sandwich i walked outside and sat down at the picnic bench placing my plate in front of me. I was going to miss Australia, and i was going to miss the boys, but i really wanted to get home and get things back to normal for once. Maybe things would work out in the end. 

~Two days later~ 

I was woken by someone calling my name. I opened my eyes and looked around me, taking in my surroundings. Home. 

I stood up and checked the time. I had really overslept, jetlag was a bitch. The past day had been a blur. Luke hadn't shown up for the plane, or he just didn't sit next to me, i wasn't sure. I had gotten home, exhausted but happy. It was a warm Sunday afternoon so i sat around getting together all my stuff for college tomorrow. I was excited to see Jess, Lucy, Mia and Harry again. As i was deep in thought my phone buzzed.

whatup bubba, wanna do something with me and Connie next weekend, missed you so much!:)xxx

the text from Shannon made me smile and i agreed, arranging to do a sleepover next saturday, i had missed both of them so much, and i had a lot to tell them. This was going to be fun. 

~The next day~ 

I jumped out of bed as my alarm rang and dived into my wardrobe finding what to wear. I pulled out my knitted burgandy jumper and black skirt, adding my two tone tights with a heart strip and a brown belt (Outfit in external link!)  I looked at myself in the mirror, my new lilac hair straightened and pinned back at the sides. I was going to have to explain this to everyone as well. 

I grabbed a granola bar and a bottle of orange juice and headed out the door with my bag over my shoulder. Here goes to the explanations. 

I hopped on the bus, earning a few looks as people took in my hair. Soon enough Lucy arrived at the bus doors, her eyes widening at the sight of my hair.

"i love love LOVE it!" she giggled, pulling me into a hug. "how was your holiday?"

She must have seen the sadness creep over my expression as she added, "oh god, we don't have to go into it actually"

"how was yours" i asked, trying to carry on a conversation

"it was pretty good, quite boring really" 

not long after we arrived at school and grabbed Jess. I ended up telling them about the arguments, but not what they were about. I told them about Michael and other things that had happened. The bell then rang and i made the dreaded journey to tutor. It was made harder for the fact i had creative writing first lesson. 

I walked into the room, following Jess and Lu. I looked over to the corner and my eyes met his, so i looked immediately down to the ground, before sitting next to Jess. Tutor passed quickly, i didn't pay much attention, i was trying to stop myself from giving in to the want to turn around. 

As the bell rang i stood up abruptly, picking up my books and walking straight to creative writing without turning round. There was no queue outside so i walked straight in and sat down, shaking at the fact that any minute he would be next to me. I just prayed we didn't have to do paired work today.

The chair beside me was moved and i heard him sit down, not as close as he usually would be. I stayed looking at my fingers as i twisted them in my lap.

"you changed your hair" 

i looked up at him. Those bright blue eyes. I tried not to break down right there in class.

"i.. uhh. i.. yes" i stuttered. 

"looks nice"

"er.. th..thanks" i bit my lip to stop it from trembling. Oh brilliant my anxiety was kicking in. 

"Did you have a good holiday?"

"it... yes and no..." i trailed off, looking up at him again. He looked better, like the Luke i knew. At least he had cleaned himself up.

"good" he smiled, but it was halfheartedly. 

Mr Hutterson walked in, breaking the awkward tension. And luckily we just had a presentation and video to watch and take notes on, so i didn't have to converse with Luke anymore. After the bell rang i exited the class quickly, walking over to the library and sat down at one of the desks, before collapsing onto it, my head on my arms. 

"Caitlyn?" oh great. He was here too.

I lifted my head off the desk, looking at him. "mm" i murmured, placing my head on my arm again.

"Can we talk?"

"what like last time so i can find out what else you've done besides cheating" i spat. The harshness in my voice and my bitchyness surprised even me. He looked taken aback.

"i uh..."

"mm" i moaned again, giving up. "you've got three minutes, shoot"

"okay. First off, i'm sorry" he said, sitting in the chair opposite me.

"i've heard that before" i huffed. I really wasn't in a good mood.

"i know, okay. I'm trying" he sighed, probably putting his words together. "i messed up, a lot. And i know that now. That i'm not good enough for you or anything and its better if this just.. ends." 

My head shot up and tears threatened to spill. 


"i need to leave you" he said. His expression was blank. I couldn't believe he was doing this.

"b..but i...we... no" i mumbled, breathing deeply to relax myself. 

"isn't that what you want?" he looked across at me, curiousity filling his face.

"i don't know" i mumbled, leaning back in my chair. "we can try"

"okay. We can try."

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