Chapter 2

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Tears streamed down my face while I buried it deeper and deeper into my pillow, hoping to just disappear in it. My cheek stung, more pain being added to it from the tears. I couldn't just feel the mark on my cheek, I could feel the whole handprint. Even my bottom lip area was hurting from the force that was collided to my face, causing me to have to take out my snakebites. My head pounded like a wild animal stuck in a small cage, wishing to return to it's natural habitat. The whole scene kept playing through my head. Not missing one part of it.


It was my mom. She had just walked through the door with my dad while I was up in my room reading The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, when she yelled my name. Sighing, I closed the book, marking my page, and climbed out of bed. I made it to the last step to see my dad sitting on the couch, bear in his had, and a devious smirk on his face. My mom stood in the middle of the living-room with nothing but a scowl. "Are you trying to make us look like trash?" I didn't have time to ask what she was talking about before she slapped me right across the face. "You may be a trashy little whore but that doesn't mean that we want to be considered as ones!" She pointed her finger at my dad and herself before slapping me again on the exact same fucking cheek.

I didn't see any point in trying to explain to her that I did nothing wrong - nor did I know what the hell she was talking about. I sprinted up my stairs, rushing into my room and locking the door. I grabbed my makeup bag and fished around for the only thing that could possibly help me right now.

My razors.

********End of Flashback********

My eyelids were slowly beginning to shut as my headache grew into a migraine. Crying usually makes me tired, especially if I'm crying that hard. I snuggled into my pillows and comforter waiting for sleep to take over; but it never came. I was physically comfortable, besides my cheeks and arms, but I was mentally uncomfortable. I kept feeling like their were eyes on me. I turned over away from the wall to find nothing my darkness. My window was open, but too high up for anyone to get in.

I rolled my eyes at my paranoia, about to roll back over when I saw a bright light, about the size of my hand, floating in the corner of my room. I jumped up from my laying position, a scream was hitched in my throat as I stared at it in shock. Maybe I've officially gone crazy. I blinked once just to have it disappear like it was never there, I stared at the wall in confusion as to what was happening. This has been one hell of a day. First I find a old, weird book of Neverland in the school library, then come home to have that bitch slap the hell out of me for something I didn't even do, and lastly, I see a glowing late in my room at that was definitely there.

Sleep finally dawned over me, giving me a little bit of time to forget everything.

The next morning was the same as always: get dressed (including makeup, hair, and brushing my teeth) and rush out the door before either of my parents decides to wake up. I walked into school fifteen minutes before the bell rang, making up my mind to head to the library and finish a portfolio for my wellness class. Reading more of Neverland was an option, but it wasn't worth a grade. Even if it was, I doubt that not doing it would drop my grade from a A to a B or possible C. All three of those grades may be okay with me, but I like the feeling of hope I get when I see excellent grades on my report cards.

The portfolio was ready to be printed, but I figured I'd just save it to my hard-drive and print it at home since the bell would ring any minute now. I gathered all of my things into my bag and leaving the library making my way to my locker. Everything except for my gym bag was shoved into my locker before I made my way to wellness. You see, we usually don't do any type of physical activity except for Tuesdays and Thursdays. And since today just happens to me Tuesday, it gives me another day to work off all that fat that hangs off my body.

I greeted Ms. Small before taking my seat at the back of the class. "Athena, why are you sitting back there?" asked Aaron, one of my actual friends since seventh grade. This wasn't really something that I practiced so I had no idea what to tell her. My reason for moving to the back of the glass had absolutely nothing to do with her or Claire, my other friend who was in our gym trio. I just wanted to be alone right now.

I shrugged, not having an excuse as to why I did sit back here. Plus, it's too early to try and explain even simple things to anyone. Ms. Small informed us that we wouldn't be dressing out today since we have to take a health survey that she every Health/Wellness teacher just found out about this morning. The surveys got passed back, me being that last one to get mine considering I was sitting in the far back. I scanned over the questions, getting really nervous to answer any of the questions. That is until Ms. Smart spoke up, "Don't put your names on these; they're completely anonymous." It was twenty questions long, hopefully leaving me time to just put in my headphones and let All Time Low take me to another world.

~~~~End of Survey~~~~

I finished the survey about twenty minutes ago and now I've just been sitting here, head laid on my desk, listening to All Time Low's album Dirty Work, and thinking about that light I saw in my room last night. Unless my "mom" really did slap my brains out, then I know that I actually saw it. What was it though? The thought made my mind drift to the Neverland book - but that's just silly. I highly doubt that anything in that book is real. It's probably just some kid trying to play a prank on someone. But part of me knew that it was real. That everything written wasn't just a prank, it wasn't just someone's little fantasy that they wanted in a high school library, it was non-fiction.

The bell finally rang, ripping away my thoughts. Sighing, I grabbed my gym bag and made my way to my locker. People smiled or waved as I walked by but I just didn't have the energy to even let at least send a small smile their way. It's like I'm completely drained of every emotion that I used to have. Like I'm empty; no emotions there to express. I made it to my locker, being able to push the thoughts to the back of my mind. I threw in my gym bag and grabbed my things for the next class, making sure to get Neverland. It's not like I pay attention next period anyway.

A note fell out of my bag onto the ground right as I was about to close my locker. 'It's just one of your bully's notes.' I thought about to just kick the paper away, but it just made me so curious. Maybe it wasn't anyone just trying to pick on me. Plus, it isn't a note that I wrote or else I would've remembered it. I finally made up my mind and carefully picked it up. Raising a brow, I slowly unfolded the note, eyes widening at the words written on the paper.

Dear Athena,

This may sound creepy, but I've been watching you. I know that you're hurt and waiting for superman to pick you up and show you love; and I wish to be that. I've noticed that you've been taking a interest in Neverland. Trust me, you'll be there soon. Stay strong.


Peter Pan

What... the actual... fuck?

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