Chapter 3

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The name on the note had been racing through my mind all day. Now I know that this is real - no one's seen me with the Neverland book, or even known about me starting to "take an interest" in anything that has to do with it. More questions began to swarm in my brain. How did "Peter Pan" put the note in my bag? How did he even know about it? Could he have been that light that was in my room last night? It may be ridiculous, but I truly believe that he's alive, watching me. The thought made my skin crawl and my head do a double take of the halls. Nothing's different.

Shaking my head to rid of the thoughts, I cut through the swarms of people to get to the library. I don't eat lunch as it is, and I just got into a really stupid argument with my ex-friend, so I kinda don't want shit to get started by me just sitting there. The library had class occupying the computers, luckily, no one was on any of the couches - then I wouldn't have anywhere to go expect the bathroom, and the only clean ones are all the way in the science wing. But me walking all that way just to skip lunch and figure out what the note means would be a miracle.

I walked through the doors, hair shielding my face for incase any of my bullies just so happened to pop up and see me. I plopped down on the couch already fishing the note and book out of my bag. The bookmark had been stuck on the pages about signs that Peter Pan will leave when I distinctly remember leaving it on the beginning page of the whole Peter Pan section; not this. My eyes widened as realization hit me when I read over the page. The light, the note, the mark being placed onto this page. It wasn't a coincidence - he did it. The page says nothing about him leaving a note, just things like a shadow or light (which could possibly be a fairy, a.k.a. TinkerBell). Now I haven't seen a shadow and don't plan to cause that's just creepy as hell. But what kind of scares me is that it says nothing about a note. Did the author even know about him leaving notes? Or was I just the first person to get one? Peter Pan is said to have lived since, well, forever. I'm sure that I'm not the first person to get one from him. Am I?

Millions of thoughts ran through my head until a one just so happened to stand out. What if I got in contact with the author of this book? Maybe I could talk to him about all of this, just see what he thinks is going on. Possibly even ask him what he thought it was like in Neverland. I flipped through the pages to the back where the authors information was. I skimmed over his picture, round glasses, balding head, little to no lips, and the name of Mitch Tyke. But my heard dropped as my eyes caught sight of the paragraph underneath his picture.

Mitch Tyke

Tyke claims to have been to the fictional Neverland. But what if he really was? Nobody knows the truth since he came back with no proof of his journey. Tyke never cared if anyone would believe him cause he knew what he saw. Tyke died of a heart attack at the age of 57 at his home while at his home. The last person he spoke to, his wife, said that his last words to her was, "Have a good day at work, and be on the watch for fairies." Tyke's wife did believe her husband's story and claims to have seen these fairies as well. Some say their both just crazy, but as for me, I've always believed.

He's dead? My mind went blank as I stared at nothing in particular. There went my chance of personally asking him questions that clearly can't be answered. Of course there's probably interviews of him talking about Neverland, but who says that those weren't edited? Well isn't this just great? I let out a huff and figured that I might as well look at some interviews. But when I scanned the room for an empty computer, they were all full of freshman taking a test. Of. Fucking. Course.

What else could possibly stop me from finding out more things about Peter Pan today?

I spoke too soon, for the bell rang, meaning I'll have to wait two more periods until I can go home. Wait, scratch that, I still got work from four to eleven. Isn't that just great? No, it isn't. I placed everything back into my bag and made my way through the doors, going to the algebra hex. This was probably the worst class of the day since I had my biggest bully, Rick Jacobsen. I already hate algebra as it is and putting him in my class sure as hell does not make me feel any better.

I stopped right by the door to Mr. Word's, my algebra teacher's, room. My eyes shut momentarily as I took deep breaths and counted to ten; not that it calmed my nerves much. My heart dropped to my stomach when I didn't see Mr. Word in the room, leaving Rick enough time to throw some insults at me and get a majority of the class to help him. I kept my head low while making the short trip to my desk that was right next to the door. I put my headphones in my ear only to have them yanked out by the devil.

"What the hell is this trash?" Rick was bent over my desk, sticking one of my headphones into his ear. "It's Avril Lavigne", I mumbled, avoiding contact with him. His face showed nothing but disgust to the name of the artist I had just told him. Rick threw my headphones back to me before mumbling something along the lines of, "Crazy emo slut." Just hearing that made tears prick my eyes. Luckily that was the only thing he had to say to me today for he just walked across the room to his group of jerks. 'Thank God', I thought. Usually he'll cause a big scene and say things like: worthless piece of shit shouldn't even be here or something like that. Must be girlfriend trouble or something. This is what usually happens when his actual slut of a girlfriend and him are having problems. Although people usually take their anger out on other people but I'm not complaining. I put my headphones back in, doodling in my notebook, trying to forget about what just happened.

By the end of class I had drawn Stitch from Lilo & Stitch (best movie ever!). A small smile appeared on my face at the thought of having one more class left then I can go home and just have some peace for about fifteen to twenty minutes before I have to leave for work. The bell rang, startling me, but I still managed to stuff my journal in my bag and already be at my locker in less than ten seconds. Which isn't really a surprise considering it's right next to the algebra hex. Does a lazy person good.


School had just ended and I was finally set free to go home for a while. The house came into view as I made my way up the sidewalk. Luckily, neither my mom's or dad's car was there. I mean, they both have work until six but those two are unpredictable. I slowly walked up the stairs to my room and threw myself on the bed right after I swung my bag somewhere across the room. A shower is needed, even though a nap is what I need more, but once if I fall asleep now after only having two hours last night, I won't even hear the alarm clock go off.

I sighed at the thought of being late to work and possibly getting fired. So I just hopped in the shower and got my uniform on. My hair was thrown up in a messy bun since I had to hurry and grab a snack so I could catch the bus. It really sucks not having a car at my age; but my parents are total assholes so that's quiet understandable. The microwave beeped signaling my pizza rolls were done.

I finished them in under five minutes which is nothing new because I love pizza rolls. Like if you bought me some then I would worship you. Just kidding, I don't love them that much. I was just about the walk out the door until I the most amazing thing. 

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