Chapter 6

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We were currently sitting on my roof, Peter saying that maybe I should just sit down and let it all sink in. This was my dream. It was actually coming true so of course I was going to be in at least some shock. Even if it was more on an excited shock. Maybe Peter will let me stay there with him or just by myself forever. Although I'd prefer to be with him if anyone. A smile crept to my face just thinking of all of the amazing things in Neverland. It's gotta be just a world full of adventures.

"Athena." Peter was now floating right in front of me, my duffle bag held in his hand. I raised a eyebrow quizzically wondering what the purpose of having that was. He must've noticed for he finally answered me, "You'll need a change a clothes and stuff, right?" I smiled and nodded gratefully. It would've sucked being stuck in the same clothes or going without deodorant for who knows how long. Peter smiled right back at me, tossing my bag at me. I pulled the strap over my shoulder and grabbed his outstretched hand. "Let's get going shall we?"

Everything looked so beautiful way up here. I guess that's just how it is. This town is like a person with a bad personality. From here it looks beautiful, but once you're acutally seeing how it is, it's not beautiful. Maybe I should just move to a rundown town with better things and people in it. Peter was currently hiding somewhere in a cloud attempting to scare me. Of course I'll probably be a little jumpy but he definitely won't make me piss my pants. I flew through random clouds searching for him but came up with nothing. I groaned and turned around only to be met with the devil himself.

"Ahhh!" I clutched my chest while trying to catch my breath. Okay I was wrong, he can actually scare me. Peter just flew around me laughing his happy little ass off. The urge to slap him for embarrassing me like that left as fast as it came. I just couldn't help but laugh with him. My face probably did look hilarious from being scared like that. "Come on, weirdo." I motioned for him to follow me to which he did. Peter gave me a quick preview of what everyone and everything was like before we got there.

To say I was a little nervous is a total understatement; I'm fucking terrified. What if the lost boys hate me and decide to gang up on me? Or Captain Hook is still wanting revenge on Peter for feeding his hand to the crocodile and try's to kill me or something? Millions of thoughts flew through my mind. No positive ones at all. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Peter grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers. He gave me a nothing's-gonna-happen look which didn't really assure me as much as it should've.

"You ready?" I looked ahead to see that we were right in front of the second star to the right. Before I could back out, Peter pulled me forward. We were actually going through the star. It was cool actually; kinda trippy. You could hear the children laughing, Captain Hook cursing Peter, and TinkerBell's name every once in a while - just like in the movie. But that was all gone in seconds for we were actually in Neverland. Instead of seeing the dark sky with twinkling stars, the sun was up shining brightly. My jaw dropped. The whole place is just beautiful. Nothing could compare to any of this; at all. Peter chuckled at my gobsmacked expression causing a playful glare to be sent his way. I hadn't realized that our hands were still attached until he tugged me along with him. A blush crept onto my cheeks but quickly went away as I realized it was just a friendly gesture - I hope.

We flew over a few islands until we got to one with a giant tree house. A gasp escaped my lips at the sight. It was like something you'd see on tumblr. Again, Peter just chuckled at my response to everything. Landing wasn't really that difficult to say the least. He lead me into the house to what I'm guessing is the living-room or something of the sort. Even if this place wasn't the cleanest of them all, it still beat any other place I've seen. Peter pulled his and away from mine only for it to be wrapped around my waist. My face reddened like a firetruck. I looked up to see Peter smirking at me before putting his forefinger and thumb to his lips, letting out a sharp whistle. Boys just came out of nowhere like a herd of wild elephants. Some even came from the floor...

The boys (which there were only five) lined up, none of them holding any confusion in their eyes. I'm guessing that Peter had done explained to them I'd be coming. "This is Athena West. I expect you all to respect her and she will be doing the exact same to you. So, don't make her feel uncomfortable or break any of her bones." My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at his last comment. I really can't afford to have anything broken. "That's all." And with that the boys scattered.

Peter then guided me to his bedroom explaining that every other room was taken so it's either share or sleep on the floor. I honestly didn't see a problem with being in the same bed as him. It's not like we're going to screw around every chance we get. He stopped in front of a door with a giant P carved into it. "Please don't junk up my manly room with your girly things", he giggled, me doing the same. The room was definitely spacious with a queen size bed, nick knacks spread around the room, and a chest overflowing with clothes. I dropped my bag by the door and walked to the huge hole/window. Curtains were put up but open and blowing from the slight breeze. There was a deck outside but no railing which kind of frightened me. And the height didn't really help at all. What if I sleepwalk (which I don't) out here and fall to my death? Okay, that's just ridiculous.

Sucking in a breath, I walked onto the deck. It wasn't that bad after a minute. The view was just amazing, not one thing could make me change my mind. Arms snaked around my waist from behind, a chin being rested on my shoulder. I automatically knew who it was - Peter. The gesture was comforting but the question of why he was being this... touchy... just wouldn't leave my mind. Hopefully this is just his way of being nice. I don't want to get too close to him if I won't be able to see him longer than a few days.

A yawn escaped my lips reminding me that I never did get to sleep. "Can I take a nap?" It sounds stupid to ask but I didn't know if he had anything planned; like show me around or something. He hummed a yes, dragging me back into the room. I changed out of my shorts into some jogging pants while looking through my bag to see what all he'd packed. Thankfully some hairbows. I braided my hair as usual and climbed into bed.

"Goodnight", Peter pecked my forehead and turned to leave. Before he could take another step, my hand shot up, gripping onto his wrist. I poked out my lip hoping he'd understand what I'm getting at. Peter chuckled and kicked off his shoes while I scooted over for him. He climbed in, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I smiled and whisper a "thank you", passing out right then and there.

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