Chapter - 21 (b)

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I ran as fast as I could. The only thing that was going on in my mind like some sort of a tape recorder were Sarah's words which she spoke not an hour ago and crushed my heart completely...

My paws dug deeper into the soil as I ran faster. They didn't make any sound, just the snapping of twigs and crushing on dried leaves and creepers, which I didn't care about.

My mind was too occupied to think about my actions. All I could hear about was the echo of Sarah's words. They kind of aggravated me even more.

With all this in my mind I ran faster, the house was now in my view. Without caring to shift back into my human form I leaped into the house as if searching for my prey.

I scanned the ground floor but couldn't find her. Her scent came from the first floor. I walked up like a hungry predator. I had to do it. It was now or never.

She had to be mine. With kindness or aggression. With her will or by my force. She was meant to be mine by hook or by crook.

As I guessed it right, there she was, sleeping peacefully. Without the care of the world, without caring what havoc she's put me in.

But the sight of her calmed me on instinct. The need to make her mine overpowered me. All the complaints and hurt long forgotten. The aroma of her scent engulfed me.

She smelled of lavenders, so calming. The light of full moon which peaked from the window fell on her face making her look eternally beautiful. Her skin glowed as the rays of moon magnified her beautiful.

I quietly got onto the bed. My muddy paws ruining the white silk sheets that layered the bed. I hovered over her body as lightly as I could, making sure to not put my weight upon her.

She shifted under me still in deep slumber. She adjusted herself comfortably under me and sighed. Her neck was completely exposed to me.

I took a whiff of her soothing scent and growled out in content. I licked her neck to find her soft spot. It took me a few seconds to find it but as soon as I did, she let out a small moan.

I growled again in excitement. It surely wasn't that loud, but Sarah's eyes opened up in shock. I don't know whether it was due to the lick or the moan, but she did wake up.

Her face paled and sweat beads formed on her forehead. She attempted to scream, but no voice came out of her throat. She tried to create distance between us, but couldn't as I lay above her.

She looked terrified by me. It was worse than the time, Damien kidnapped her. Well it was technically me, but in human form then.

I was no harm to her, she should know that. I so wanted to tell her but couldn't speak to her, as I was in my wolf form. I tried extending my paw to her but she covered back and buried herself into the soft bed.

This angered me and I growled. Her face left all the colors but I couldn't careless. All I wanted to do right now was to claim her right away. The more time I took the more she would fret away.

Wasting no time I moved towards her neck. She tried to push me away, dig her nails, slap me and so many other futile efforts.

She even kept mumbled please no which I would have missed if not for my wolf hearing. But it was far too late to back out now just for her pleas. Her scent had invaded my senses.

Without second thoughts, I ruthlessly dug my canines into her delicate neck and withdrew them before licking my mark clean. The content that washed over me was enough to help me sleep that night.

But the look of disapproval, pain, horror and hurt on her face was enough to cause me numerous nights without sleep. All the content flushed out the drain and the look on her face haunted me.


I screamed as I chocked out of the lake. I screamed so loud that all the pack members from my pack must have heard me even when this lake was out of the pack limits.

I has dropped Sarah back home after the cafe incident and then rushed in here by the lake to find some peace for myself.

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It was calm and serene here

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It was calm and serene here. This place always had this thing which would calm me everytime I came here. This was not the only time I was hurt and felt lost, there were instances worst than this one. But today for the first time this place wasn't helping me to calm myself.

Darius was on his verge to take over and claim our mate. All he thought of was marking her. He couldn't think rationally. His animal instincts were hard to curb. It took everything in me to not supress him in, in front of Sarah.

So I did the next best thing I could. I stripped and got into the lake. The chilled water did little to calm my boiling temper and ready to burst head.

I took a deep breath and went underwater. It was then that this whole scene flashed in front of my eyes. All my or rather Darius's idea to mark her went down the drain as regret replaced it.

But I was glad that this was only a visual dream. And that Sarah was safe from my wrath and my beastility. But how long?

By now I had calmed down effectively. I looked up at the moon. There were only two days left for the full moon. The scene from my dream would definitely turn real if Sarah is here on full moon.

My animal instincts will be powerful then and I will have no power to control myself. And by the end of it, I will be left with nothing but regret.

I have to take some action before my beast harms our mate. I have to save her from my beast on the full moon.

I know what I need to do now but that only means loosing her forever. It's either the guilt or the pain, I have to choose to live with.

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