12. PingPong Match

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<< Kihyun POV >>
"One day. These people will give us a heart ache.... Byeol... jagi,I hope we won't have a daughter in the future.."

"What are you talking about Kihyun?"

I showed her Hyungwon's latest post. It was Saebby this time,for real

"At least he knows it's a stolen happiness. Weirdo...."

"I'm so angry to him. Whatever he does,he gets whatever he wants!" said Rain. All of her joy for this morning was gone. Sad, first time in our friendship ,she came to me and asked me to teach her a recipe this morning. I do care about Saebby's and Riri's approval. 

"So him and Saebby... did it?" Hyunwoo asked shyly. He meant 'So Hoseok and Saebby break up officially?' We get used to his father-like speech.

"This doesn't count! Right? Because... Saebyeog noona doesn't remember some stuff.... right?" Chankyun... he is here for breakfast. He is the all-time supporter of them. Even his heart broken by this post. 

"We still don't know what happened that night... maybe,she decided to go on with Hyungwon but she is just trying to deny it.." I said. Everyone looked at me like I killed someone in front of their eyes.

"That's right, we don't know about that night.... but it's not hard to guess Kihyun." said Rain angryly. She mimiced Chankyun. 

We can't talk casually when he is here...

"Chankyun.. would you mind--"

"I'm out! But please keep me informed. See you guys!" and he went out.

"What did you mean Riri?" asked Hyunwoo. He already got what she meant. He was just helping the rest of us to understand her.

"I believe... Hyungwon forced her. In--"

"--SEXUAL MEANING?!" Byeol spell the words wit a single breath. Her eyes were widened and she covered her mouth with her hands. Her sorrow was so visible from her face. She hold her head and walking up and down in the livingroom. 

"How could we didn't think about it before..." said Hyunwoo.

"Because we thought he loves her.... normally." I said. "Good for you Riri.. you hit him a good one.."

"Guys.... Saebby is with him now.... why we are sitting in here?" asked Byeol. He was so nerveus. I got up and hugged her. 

"We are not sitting in her baby,we are waiting."


As we were keeping ourselves busy with houseworks door bell rang.


We were all startlet but Byeol rush to door as murmuring prays between her breath. Hoseok run into house with his shoes on. I just wiped the floor...

"Guys... Saebby called me!"

"What? Is she okay?" Rain reacted.

"Yes... she was crying but,she was okay. And safe."

"How do you know that? She is with him.." I asked.

"No,she is not. She is at my house, back at our neighborhood." his eyes were red but he was smiling bright.

"I don't understand, she got lost?" Byeol asked. She was holding onto me.

"No, I talked with my mom. She said she was about to leave the house when Saebby got home. She said Saebby was looking normal. She got home as usually and put some tea for herself and my mom. She said she had to hurry for work. But Saebby was looking like she is getting normal. When we spoke,Saebby asked me to go there..."

"Oh my god.. that's so amazing Hoseok!!" Byeol said.

"And there is more..." he continued.

"More?!" I was surprised.

"Yes... I asked her if she wants anything from outside she said she wants to eat Kim-pi.."

"Kim-pi? Really?" Rain was so excited.

"Yes... then I dared to ask if she can prepare some choco-banshake for me. She said 'oh,okay'... guys, I called the pizza place and ordered. I'm going to take it and run to her... wish me luck!"

"Hoseok wait!" said Rain.

"Yes Riri?"

"She may not remember you,as her boyfriend. She is probably remember you as her one-sided love. If she got close to her memories,try to guide her to remember you. only you. She may.. get worse..."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"If something happened that night with Hyungwon and she lost her memory; it can be sth really bad. Also are you really sure? You left her alone and pulled yourself back for some reason and now even that night nothing happened last night something definitely happened. Is it 100% okay for you? If you leave her again... I don't know what will happen."

We all got really serious. Rain asked the most accurate question. Byeol's face ... this is the first time I'm seeing this face on her.

"Riri...Rain. I pushed her. Because she had doubts. If I knew her for all these years,even slightly, she would feel bad constantly. That was what I thought earlier. I didin't knew these would happen. But I love her. I lover her anyways. Any details in her life. She is mine. Even she just says that she couldn't walk alone from there to here,it's fine. Because she asked me to got to her. We don't have any phonebook at home. No speed dial set. She dialed my number from her memory and asked me to go to her. I would do it even she was on Mars."

Rain teared,turned away from him and yelled him. "ARE YOU IDIOT!! ı ASKED A QUESTION.. YOU COULD JUST SAY YES!!! YOU ARE SO SHOWW OFF.. GET OUT!! MY FRIEND OBVIOUSLY NEEDS YOU.. GET OUT!" She rushed to Hyunwoo. He was adoring her now. This was the first time he see her teared for this kinda thing. This tiro's friendship was amazing us as usual.

Byeol was wiping my tears,I didn't even realise that I was tearing. I kissed her. "Everything is gonna be alright.." we whispered to each other.

"Now I wonder what is Hyungwon doing right now.... didn't he got a fake Saebby as his girlfriend? She must saw the post too..." said Hyunwoo.


Byeol took off her phone and called Chankyun.

"Yah... Kyunggie. I have two news for you. Wanna hear the good one or good one?"


Hello lovely readers... I was considering about writing a spin-off book for Hyungwon's sub Sally. Some people asked details about her. Should I write a book about her?

Please comment for it and don't forget to read previous too and please vote if you like.

Thank you all. Love you all.

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