The club

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When we arrived at the large-ish club the first thing we do is order some drinks. Me and Emily tell them what we want and go find a table. As we sit down Emily looks at me and says,

"You know I think I've only just properly realised that I'm clubbing with bastille. That I'm going to be staying on their tour bus. That we're going to be staying on their tour bus."

I just stared blankly at her for a few seconds letting it sink in for me too. I then made a very high pitched squeal and pulled at dans scarf around my neck to lower it a little.

"I think that tonight will be the best night of our lives." I said

"Yeah I think so too." She replied.

"Here are your drinks ma ladies" Kyle announced swiftly placing the drinks where we were sitting making us all laugh. To start off with me and Emily had both ordered a glass if wine and the boys all had a beer.

*eh eh oh eh oh* started blasting throughout the room. Me and Emily screamed and Dan looked so embarrassed.

"Come on Sing along Dan, you know you want to!" Kyle teased and we all laughed. Dan just looked awkwardly at his hands and mumbled something incoherent.

The night so far was a blast. We didn't get too drunk as me and Em wanted to remember this night and the boys had a gig the next night, well at the current time, tonight. We were all dancing in the club when someone span me round. I had no idea who they were. He was a tall, muscular guy about Dans age.

"Hey baby wanna dance, I'll even let you give me a good job!" He winked and put his hand on my arse. I tried to pull away but he just held on tighter. I tried to make a sound but he pressed his hand hip to my mouth. He was just grab my 'chest' when Dan noticed what was happening. Thank god!

"Oy! Fuck off mate! She doesn't want you to do that you wanker!" he shouted. My assaulter turned to look at him with a deadly expression on his face. However Dan didn't seem fazed. I mean he had probably had the most to drink out of all if us but he's usually so shy. My assaulter left me and walked over to Dan and I dreaded what would happen next. I heard a loud crunch and a cry of pain. I span around ready to help dan when I realised that it wasn't Dan who had got punched. It was dan who had punched my assaulter. I stared at him in shock for a few moments.

"Uhhhh thanks dan." I whispered.

"No problem!" he replied with a rather smug look on his face. That's when we got told to leave by the bar tender. I was still dumbstruck about what had happened. Of all the years I had been an obsessed fangirl over dan I had never expected him to make any kind of violent move. But what I was most shocked about was that he did it for me, ME! Not only that but he had lent me his scarf that is obviously very dear to him for the whole night. I was still in shock from everything. I hoped I never forgot this night.

When we all got back to the tour bus we decided it was best to go to sleep. The boys got changed and then I realised me and Em had nothing to change into for bed. Dan noticed too and threw me some clothes. Kyle did the same for Em. I went into the bathroom to get changed and looked at the clothing Dan had given me for the night. At first I thought it might have been girls clothes which made me feel disappointed, like they bring fan girls in here a lot. It was only when I looked at them properly I realised that Dan had thrown me some if his clothes. He had lent me his 'Swiss Lips' tshirt which I was thrilled about being a swiss lips fan myself and what looked like a pair of boxers. I smiled cheekily and got changed.

By the time I was done so was Emily. She was also wearing boxers but Kyles and she had a kitten tshirt on. She looked kind of jealous that I was wearing Dans clothes. I knew she likes Dan too so I felt quite guilty but she got over in a matter of minutes. I was sleeping in the bed opposite to dans and Emily opposite to woodys. We were all soon asleep and I was dreading morning when I would have to say goodbye to an experience I never thought would happen, hanging out with Bastille! I was happy that it had happened but sad that it would soon be over.

A/N I'm sorry I took a while to upload this and sorry it's quite crap and also quite short! once again comment your ideas and I hope you liked it! all my love xxxx

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