Chapter 2

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Taehyung's POV

He stopped crying after about 7 minutes and then he said.
"Taehyung how old are you? What's your favorite color? When's your birthday? And why are you here?"

I smiled that he talked to me.

"13, Green. December 30. And it's because of my dad again. But don't worry about that, are you feelings better?"

"Ne! Thank you for helping me Taehyung hyung. I am actually doing a little better. Thank you so much. Um-"

"What?" I asked him. He started blushing and said.

"Can I hug you again? I'm cold."

I'm pretty sure he was making an excuse. But I replied with a smile.

"That's what friends are for. Come here." I held out my arms and he embraced me in a nice cute hug.

"So what's about you? How old are you? Favorite color?"

"Hehe." He giggled and I smiled.

"I'm 11. My birthday is September 1 and my favorite color is red. Like a rose red not the gross dark kind or the too bright colored one."

I'll keep that in my mind forever.

"So......" I started but he cut me off.

"It's getting late. Jin will be upset. So will the Miss! I gotta go Taehyung hyung. I'm sorry. I wanna stay longer. But I'll get in trouble. I have to go back to the orange." He said while he got off the bench.

"The orange?"
"Can I come?"
"Um...... sure....."

Jungkook's POV

He wanted to go to the orange. So I wasn't sure how to reply. But I guess I did because as soon as I started walking he went to my side  and started to follow.

We finally arrived and I was about to open the doors when I remembered Taehyung hyung was still with me.

"I gotta go home Jungkook. I'll see you later okay? What school do you go to?"

I was homeschooled. I was going to start middle school publicly, but eomma never found out where to put me.

"W- Where ever the orange puts me, I guess. I was homeschooled...."

"Hehe, you're so cute. It's an orphanage, not an orange. And I go to Tanbang Middle School. Maybe you'll go there."

"C- Cool. See you Taehyung hyung." I waved him goodbye. He smiled a rectangles box kind of a smile and started to walk away.

I walked in and saw the time. 1:34 am. I was gone for awhile talking to Taehyung hyung.

I walked to the kitchen and got some water with my hands and drank some. I didn't know where anything was. And I was too scared I'd break something.

I turned and saw the Miss.
"I'm sorry. I wanted to go back.....there....."
"It's okay Jungkook. Go to bed. I'll talk to you about everything later." She said with a smile. I smiled back and went up the stairs and up to the room.

There I saw Jin, Isaac and whom I think is Namjin? I can't remember well. But I went into my bed. I closed my eyes and was about to go to sleep after 12 minutes when I felt the bed get heavier and I felt a body next to me.

"Hey babe~. I'm Namjoon. I know you've heard of me. Don't worry, I'm already taken. But your cute as fuck." He got up and kissed my forehead. I was freaking out.

But he acted like it was normal and went back to his bed and slept.

These people are SUPER


Taehyung's POV

I walked home, went to the backyard and up the side of the house. That's how I get out.

I open my window doors from outside and get in. I slip into my sweatpants and go to sleep.

Usually I would cry thinking about events that were similar with what happened earlier today.

But today I fell right to sleep thinking about one thing.

Jungkook hugging me......

And that was my night. As I slowly drifted off to sleep.....

[DISCONTINUED] Falling For Him (Taekook/Vkook Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now