Chapter 4 - Maddisyn

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Addisyn's P.O.V

"Jesse?" I asked. There he stood. My ex boyfriend. That bastard broke me. "Hey babe," he responded with a cocky smirk walking in. I rolled my eyes. "Babe?" I questioned "Babe," he said spinning on heels and bringing me closer. "Get off of me Jesse!" I shouted "I thought you liked this," he said trying to kiss me. I slapped him and pushed him away from me. "I did before you started to abuse me!" I yelled. I saw Logan in the corner of my eye stand up. Jesse looked at him and made a low growl. "You found yourself someone better?" He asked looking at me with fury. "No he's just a friend," "He's more than a friend stop lying to me Addie," he said "Don't you dare call me Addie!" I screamed. He looked taken a back. "Why?" "You know why," I responded "No I don't," he told me walking over to Logan. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and grabbed Logan holding it up to his throat. "Don't!" I screamed. Hot tears ran down my face. "Why can't I call you Addie?" He asked. That name stung. I missed her. Jesse killed her. "My sister used to call me that, my beautiful sister, that you killed!" I yelled. "Thank you," he said putting the knife away. He started walking away. I went to give Logan a hug and ask him if he was okay but Jesse grabbed him and threw him against the wall. Logan slowly fell down the wall. Blood came from his head. Then, Jesse went and kicked him in the stomach a few times. "Stop!" I screamed through my tears, "Get out, or I'm calling the cops!" He looked at me angry and I grabbed the phone. He rolled his eyes and sighed then walked out of the house slamming the door behind him.  I ran to Logan. I sat down checking he's head to make sure it wasn't busted open. He seemed fine he just had a small cut on the back. I then pushed back his shirt a little to find three big bruises near his belly button. I stood up and went to get my first aid kit in the bathroom. I searched the cabinets and finally found my small blue container. I carried it over to Logan and started on his cut. I really couldn't do anything about the bruises though. I tried wakeing Logan up but he didn't budge. That sick, sick man. "Addisyn," Logan's eyes flickered open. "Oh Logan," I cried. We just sat there hugging. I eventually helped Logan up to the couch. "Tell me about your sister," he blurted out. "I'm sorry," he spoke quickly. "No, it's okay," I told him. "Her name was Maddisyn she was my twin sister," I explained "Since everyone called her Maddie she called me Addie. We were best friends. We did everything together. In high school I was in drama club so she used to help me with my lines and I used to help her with her math. When I started dating Jessie she told me she got a bad feeling from him and I should have listened to her because,now she's dead," I said bursting into tears. "It's going to be okay, everything is going to be okay,"  Logan  said trying to calm me down. I wiped my tears and said "You can stay the night if you want," to Logan. "Thanks," he said as I was leaving the room. "Your welcome," I said softly giving him a sad smile. 

Logan's P.O.V 

That Jesse guy is going to pay. I'm going to make his life a living hell. He can't just go around abusing, killing, and breaking girls. I'm going to throw his filthy ass in jail for life. I'm in so much pain but yet so pissed off. I stood up and punched the wall. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. I don't know what's wrong with me but knowing this poor extremely strong and beautiful girls story is messing my mind up. 

You like her 

Shut up brain I already know that. 

I can still see her pained face. I remember her trying to help me. Trying, even though she probably doesn't even know how to. Her story is something I thought I would have never heard in my life. I never thought that I would fall for a broken girl. 

New Mission: Fix the broken girl


I woke up to the smell of peanut butter and bacon. I yawned and looked over to the kitchen. There she stood. The beautiful girl that I think I might be in love with. She was wearing an over sized white shirt with black shorts. On her feet were a pair of bunny slippers. Cute. I stood up and stretched. "Good morning," she said turning around. "Good morning," I said sitting down at the kitchen table. I looked at the time 8:30. Addisyn turned back around and turned on the radio.  She started humming the song that was playing. She burst into singing. I laughed at her. She put a goofy smile on her face and grabbed my hand pulling me with her. We started dancing around the kitchen. Addisyn tripped and fell into my arms. Her face was inches away from mine. I felt her breath against my skin. Suddenly we were both leaning in- the fire alarm started going off. "My bacon!" Addisyn screamed running to the oven. My phone started ringing. I looked at the caller and it was my manager Andrew. I answered "Hello," I spoke into the phone. "Where in the world are you!" He screamed. I looked at the time 9:15. "Oh Shit, I'm sorry I'll be at the studio in 20 minutes," I said quickly. "You better be," he told me. "Okay bye," I sighed rolling my eyes. "Thanks for the breakfast but we have to get to the studio in like 20 minutes," I told Addisyn. I grabbed a piece of toast and headed to the bathroom. "There's a green toothbrush you can use in there if you want!" Addisyn shouted from her room. "Okay!" I yelled back. I quickly brushed my teeth. I went to the living room to find Addisyn sitting on the couch already dressed. She had no makeup on. She was naturally beautiful she didn't really need it. "Come on let's go," I said. And we took off. 


"Hey I was thinking I'm looking for a roommate and maybe you would want to move in with me?" Addisyn asked me. "Just as friends," she quickly added. "Sure, why not," I said yes almost immediately knowing that Jessie might come back. I had the feeling of needing to protect her. I needed to protect the broken girl. 

A/N Heyyyyy I haven't updated in a little while. This chapter kind of has a lot going on in it. Like first Jessie came and screwed up their lives then like a lot of crap happened and yeah now their moving in together as 'friends' also this story is kind of moving fast but I don't care I like it. So your welcome. Bye! 

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💗qotc aka question of the chapter: Do you ship Laddisyn? I do 


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