I'm at school. I think to myself why does school even exist? Its boring, some of the things are useless in the future and we don't even pay attention anyways. As I walk up to C period something feels off I don't know. When I get to class everything seems normal but there is a really cranky substitute for my teacher that obviously does not want to be here. We do our work for about 30 minutes and that's when we got bored and started talking. My best friend ever is Aria have always been super good friends, I guess you consider me part of the "pops" which means popular. Like we always have the coolest outfits with our different color matching outfits I'm pink Aria is purple, Stephanie is Yellow, and Julianna is Green. We are all talking when I'm not really listening I see teachers outside of the flower room yelling and panicking and there are more teachers running around the school looking nervous to. What is the deal around hear I said I have no clue Aria said. As we're walking I'm trying to figure out why is the teachers acting weird? Then then bell rings, it's the lockdown bell auhhh I hate lockdowns. We try to find a classroom or anywhere I can hide but all the doors are already locked we don't know what to do so we rush outside (Little did I know that was a TERRIBLE decision). As we make our way outside we here really weird noises almost like grunting return around and we see something you can never unsee. Someone..getting.........................killed.

AzioneYou and your family are going on a vacation to Disney and Universal little does your family know that it's going to me a THRILLING expierence.