Chapter 6

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Ainsley's birthday party was in an hour and Shawn had yet to return from where ever he ran off to, but I was getting more livid by the second. What could possibly be keeping him on such an important day for our daughter? None the less I got her and myself ready. I put her in a bright blue dress and curled her hair a bit, since it was already fairly curly on its own it didn't need much help. She insisted on staying barefoot and since the party was going to just be in the backyard I let her. I made sure to give her one of her birthday presents early to keep her happy while I got ready myself.

She bounded around on my bed as she hugged the white stuffed dog and I searched my closet for something nice. I decided on a light green sun dress, white sandals, and pulled my hair up in a neat ponytail. I was in the process of finishing my makeup when the doorbell rang. I went to open the door, wondering who had shown up early. On the other side of the glass door I saw Aalayah and Shane waving at me.

I chuckled at their behavior as I opened the door, greeting them, "Hey guys."

They both told me hello and gave me a hug before Shane called out, "Where's the birthday girl?"

Not even a minute later we could hear Ain running down the hall as fast as her little legs would carry her.

"Uncle Shane!" She shouted crashing into his legs as she wrapped her arms around them.

Ainsley called all the guys in the band uncle, so she had a fair amount of uncles to say the least.

I turned my attention to Lea when Shane scooped up Ain and began asking her about her birthday. "So what made you guys show up so early?"

She shrugged, "Just to see if you needed any help."

"I actually have it all done, but thank you anyway. You want to see it before everyone else gets here?"

She grinned, "Sure."

As we walked out back and got a good look at the party I had set up she noticed what was missing, "Where's Shawn?"

I released a sigh I had been holding in, "I have no idea. When I woke up this morning he was already gone."

"Maybe he went to get something for Ainsley's birthday."

I shook my head, "No I'm pretty sure he took care of that last week and you know something I've noticed? He's acting strange lately."


"He has been very distant and edgy, like he's angry about something."

"Have you talked to him about it?"

"No I haven't,  I've been too busy with all of this."

"Well when you both get a moment to be alone, bring it up and get to the bottom of it, you know Shawn isn't the type to keep secrets."

I gave her a look, mentally referencing the good three years he kept his true feelings about me in the dark.

She waved her hand, dismissing it as she said, "Okay, when ever it's something bad."

I sighed softly, "I hope you're right."

Shortly after that more and more people began to show up, but there was still no sign of my husband. I decided not to make this more obvious to my guests, it would be horribly embarrassing. The party was full and running around with the neighborhood kids and Ainsley's cousins, I had to admit that so far this birthday party was a success. The fortune teller Lea and Shane hired showed up after everyone had arrived, well everyone but Shawn of course.

"Is he still not here?" Aalayah asked as she walked over to me with a drink in hand.

I shook my head, feeling a mix of anger and disappointment. How could he miss his own child's birthday like this?

Tilting Her Hourglass (Sequel to As We Wish)Where stories live. Discover now