Chapter 3

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"You can touch me Roy, pleasee." The boy whispered in desperation, arching his chest forward in need.

"I-I don't bite hard baby, I promise." The once handsome stranger clung his arms around Roy's nape, edging him to follow along into a sultry, lustful trance.

Roy heaved a sigh. "I-I'm not afraid of that, I'm configuring if you could handle some one like me or not."

Roy was day dreaming.

Somewhere along the lines of listening to Mr.Jenkins explain the vast knowledge of Art beyond the West, how Islamic people cherished their arts style while he relaxed at a desk in the back of the classroom, Roy Henderson drifted off into his mind. 

The back of his thoughts which held memories he wanted to disappear. And the one he was currently reminiscing had been the ultimate target of annihilation.

"Mmm." The moaning stranger bit his lip under the bright moon's light, causing his brown hair to shine, reflecting off of a fit-body that looked all the more appetizing for a horny-aroused Henderson boy. "How about we find out right now, hmm, babe?" Roy nearly whimpered at the feel of a hand cupping his strained cock, the seeking fingers fondling him around and around, matching his puffing breaths that whisked out into the cool air around them. It was dangerous. Especially, for the two boys to be out in basic broad day light on a summer's eve, but.., they couldn't help it. They couldn't help the sexual emotions that were spurting out like Roy's pre release.

Roy hissed when the stranger suddenly tugged him."Oh f-fuck, I-I think we should move further down the beach." Roy gritted his teeth, quickly pushing his body back which caused him to slightly stumble in the un-sturdy sand. The handsome stranger smirked at him, then continued to eat Roy up with hungry eyes that made the older boy shiver in anticipation. For some odd reason, Roy's ears rung, then his mind tingled, he suddenly felt that the man in front of him hadn't been the only one watching. And to make matters worse, the sudden loud sounds of the waves harshly crashing the ground behind him only intensified that wonder.

"Any where you want to go new boy, I'm your tour guide for today, remember that." The pressuring stranger cut into Roy's curious thoughts, pulling him up from the sand with a strong grip like his very own. After a few sloppy kisses and stumbles, the two boys were further down Sea Rock's aquatic national beach and now under high rigid rocks and boulders. Safely shielded away from any natural human's view.

But, amazingly enough, a human, had not been the case.

"Mr.Henderson!" The sudden interruption had been what Roy needed to escape from his accursed thoughts that he regretted every time it came across his mind. However, if only it had been someone else that snatched him away, any one else other than the know it all, mister asshole his self, Jenkins.

Roy sighed, his bored brown eyes focused on the glaring old pudgy man that stood against the green chalk board, "Yes Sir?" The tired boy ignored all of his class mates, well, he tried his very best to. Ever since he's stepped foot into Giligore High School, every body and their second cousin introduced their selves to him, invited him to their tables, offered to pay for his lunch, wanted him on their sports teams. Hell, even a few love confessions came tumbling towards his way.

But, for all of the horrid things Roy could admit about him self, stupid hadn't been one. Other people didn't interest him, nor did they make him second think of giving a few others a chance or an invitation into his life, well, actually... maybe one kid.

Mr.Jenkins squared his hunch back more lower, making his appearance look as if he had been shrinking by the second, which Roy desperately tried not to laugh at. "Henderson, can you please tell me the last thing I was just discussing, to prove to your peers and I that you actually want to learn something in your life." Jenkins mocked in a raspy voice, he was an old smoker, you could tell not only by the harsh tone he with held, or the yellowness of his over ridden teeth.

But by the pulsing vein that throbbed in the right corner of his sweat dropping forehead, the geezer would explode any minute if he didn't get a dose of nicotine of some sorts. The guy wanted a stress release, and he needed one bad.

And if Roy didn't answer this question with a good enough answer or excuse, the wrath Jenkins has pent up at the moment would come swirling out on him ten folds, and by gods did he not want that.

Roy sighed for at least the tenth time that day and lowered his gaze from the eyes observing his every move, his hands under neath the small desk twitched, while his face had heated up another twenty or more degrees. "Well, uh, you were umm- talking about-

"You were talking about how the bright colors and non-figure art ment to Islamic people, in which they represented Allah and respected him not with an image of a person, because they had no clue what he looked like, but by art it's self to expressive love and adoration. Roy and I literally were studying this and going over notes about all of that in the library yesterday Mr.Jenkins, of course it's kind of over whelming for him at the moment, since he's technically further a head most of the kids in your class."

The pixie cut blonde sitting a seat in front of Roy had suddenly spoke up and saved the boy's day, hell he saved his ass, and gosh did Tyler knew that. Roy could nearly picture the bastard's smirk when ever he did have his back in a tight situation.

Roy smiled knowingly at the back of his best friend's head. Causing Jenkins to growl like an annoyed old pup who get's no types of action and turn back around to write more of those important notes.

Hey, Roy did say "maybe one kid" was an exception of being in his life, and doe eyed Tyler had been that very kid.

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