Chapter 8

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"Man screw Hailey, you can find some one so much better, she 'aint even all that anyways."

Blade ford sucked his teeth after his remark, pulling his red hummer out of Giligore High's parking lot.

Collin Henderson had just finished telling his friend everything that occurred prior to his major break down in the locker room, that had Blade ready to kill some one if he had too. Leaving school early was the only damn thing he could think of so Blade didn't break that rule of not hitting females.

Collin sighed while leaning his head on the window.

It all was just a big mess and Collin just wishes he never even followed Hailey into that damn equipment room, because he wouldn't feel like less than shit right about now.

Frowning in the front passenger seat, Collin shifted and dragged his knees to his chest so he could place his jaw on his knees, brown eyes silently stared out the dashboard. He remained quiet on the outside while inside everything had been in a turmoil.

A never ending battle his thoughts were in at the moment.

Wishing he could go far away somewhere to escape it all, all of these things called life.

"Hey." He felt a hand suddenly rest on his calf, Blade had one hand navigating the steering wheel, while his head turned back and forth to look at Collin and the road. "Listen to what I'm saying, girls like her, they're nothing special anyways man. No need to be stressed over it, besides, it's not like it can get any worse, you said it yourself, your brother never dates anyone, no matter what, right?" Collin felt Blade squeeze him as he took his time replying, he sighed another time that day and nodded.

"Yeah, he doesn't."

Blade smiled and rubbed Collin's leg through his jeans, "Then way less shit to be worried about, you just need to get your mind off today, let me take you to my place and we can play some video games or something to keep you distracted."

Collin turned his head to face the window, looking out into the clear, sunny weather, noticing their surroundings the car was rushing by. Blade had passed Collins house about three blocks back so it's not like his friend was really giving him a choice by agreeing or disagreeing.

Collin snorted and raised his head up, "Yeah, but only if you promise you won't be crying when I beat your sorry ass in 2k."

"Fuck, it's been so long since I've gotten the chance to do this shit man."

Roy reluctantly smiled at his best friend who was currently floating on his back, a few miles away in the ocean.

With their search for Collin, to see what was up and the cause of the hall way fiasco ending as a fail, Roy decided to go along with Tyler's suggestion and visit the one place that could change his mood in seconds.

The beach.

In particular, the love of Roy's life. That damn crystal clear ocean, that held amounts of salt water that could make any human sick from engulfing large amounts of it. Beautiful... yet, such life threatning traits.

"What are you doing still on the sand Henderson? Strip Magic Roy and get your ass in here!" Tyler yelled at him, splashing water in his direction.

Roy sniffed, his still stuffy nose and finally smiled a true smile even though his heart had been still breaking inside and started by kicking off his converses.

"Alright, just don't jizz all in the water before I get in there Ty."

"Shut up!"

Roy smirked and quickly unfastened his jeans to reveal a pair of snugged grey briefs, long legs with thick muscular thighs that would make any man in the gym jealous. Gosh, Tyler really didn't know if his best friend was really just trying to mess with him or not, but he sure the hell wasn't sure if he could keep that promise. Roy's physique was any gay boy's dream, and fuck if the man wasn't to stubborn to give up his ass, he would of been given it up to Roy here.

Tyler felt his cheeks redden while watching his friend, slipping his shirt off next, Roy exposed more of that pale skin, that fit v-line stomach with a rippling six pack that Tyler took his time counting. Those flexing, bulk arms that stretched over his head, veins popping along the skin, black tousled hair wavering in the wind, shit Roy was so beautiful, Tyler was so damn sure Roy had no idea how good looking he is.

"Here I come."

Roy threw his shirt at the bunched pile of clothes mixed with his friends before running off to the shore and diving head first into his safe haven, his escape. and gosh did he fall, soooo deep into it.

There was no words to describe the feeling Roy Henderson felt being submerged under the waves, no words except for serenity, and utter peace.

He truly loved the sound barrier the waves produced, the soft caress it did to his skin, the bright, colorful creatures of the sea that swam around him, welcomed him into their world. Roy truly loved it all, he wanted to live in it.

Well, if he wasn't a human that needed air to breath.

Roy twirled his body around, causing the schools of fish that were around to scatter. He smiled at the sight of them then made his way to the surface since his lungs were screaming at him. Throwing his head back with a gasp, Roy stared at Tyler who was looking at him with a shocked face as usual when ever Roy went into the water with him.

"I still don't get it man." Roy slipped short strands of wet hair behind his ear, "I really don't understand how you're able to hold your breath that damn long, it's fucking crazy man, don't you feel your heart about to pop out of your chest?"

Tyler tilted his head, confused, while his friend nodded with a hum, "Yup." Roy swam closer to his friend, stopping once they were face to face. He pressed his forehead against Tyler's, who's face was still scrunched up into confusion. "It's cause I was born a fish."


"No really." Roy sighed, and closed his eyes, feeling the heat from his friend's body radiate off of him. "But my parents don't have a single clue how to keep a fish long off enough to survive more than a few days, so they prayed and asked for a human son instead, and wallah." Roy whispered between them, causing Tyler to laugh.

This was it, this is exactly what Roy needed.

Peace and quiet, his best friend with him and the caress of soft blue waves to relax him after such an eventful day. Involving idiot freshman and a temper tantrum little brother who liked to flip their emotions on him like a playing card.

"Welp, surprisingly that's more believable than you spewing some majestic shit, like you're a damn mermaid or something." Tyler slid a hand into Roy's black hair, massaging his scalp, slowly in a steady pace. Roy deeply sighed and leaned in for more.

"Hmm, Yeah, imagine that, huh?"

Roy mumbled under his breath, that same single second he suddenly felt something, something had caught the bottom of one of his legs and rapidly begin to drag his body under the surface. Forcing Roy out of that once peaceful state and into one of fear and disbelief.

Little did he know, "majestic shit" had been more fucking believable..

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