Chapter 11

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Tyler had been feeling traumatized.

Just witnessing his best friend being dragged under water, by some kind of source, that had the power to take Roy away and down so fast.

It sent undeniable shivers along his spine.

It felt like Tyler just seen something out of a bad dream or a horror movie. The yelp, and loud cry Roy spoke before he was swept, the frantic dive Tyler had done immediately after, desperately trying to get him back, only.. Only to see... There was no one in sight. 

The only evidence left of the attack, was just a trail of small bubbles, leading in to a swirling like path. Which meant, that what ever took Roy was indeed to damn fast for him to catch up, especially in right time before his best friend had been long gone.

No.. T-this can't be happening.

Tyler quickly went back under, without taking a gasp of air for him self since saving his best friend was the only thing relevant. Darting all around, twirling his legs and swimming to all different directions of the sea, even further down the dark below. Tyler's chest began churning, the fragile heart inside Tyler's body began to weaken it's pumping, warning him he needed air. But, he didn't care, Roy needed it more!! 


Not until Tyler's mouth gasped out unexpected while he was searching did he finally make his way back to the surface. Defeat clearly shown in his eyes.

Tyler's logic side of mind told him that Roy was gone, and that he would probably never see his best friend again. But his heart, the heart that was now hammering against his chest. While he stayed in that same spot, treading in, where Roy left him by. His heart had been practically screaming to him, that there was hope.

All wasn't lost.

Tyler just needed to try harder at getting him, and staying in the water still, wasn't going to cut it either.

Shifting his cold teary-blue eyes back down to the crashing waves, only to see a reflection of his olive toned skin, short cut blonde hair, that was sticking to all sides of his head, a red nose that stood out. And flushed pink cheeks telling Tyler he would get sick if he stayed any longer in the water, the young boy placed a shriveled hand against the waves, alike to a high-five for the sea. Then slowly, he spoke out these next promising words.

"Just let the clam waves be your guide and the sea's vast friendly creatures comfort you until I return back Roy, which will be soon, I-I promise you."

He already felt like he was out of his mind.

Tyler already felt like he lost and had gone utterly mad in a matter of minutes. 

Tears began to roll down his cheeks after he tssked at his reflection and made his way to shore.

"Roy..p-please be okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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