I Choose You

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                    My world is blank. I think the sky tastes like cold metal when it rains. My eyes are always covered with the bruised petals of my lids. I love the fomless sky, defined only by sounds ,or the cool gusts of wind. On hot days i sit and listen to the sky falling like chalk dust with Champion. He and i are best friends. He was my best friend until he died. Champion had no father i had no eyes we were forever bonded. Or so i thought until the reck. I was born blind an act of nature. But now i see the world clearly, not literal though.

                    My name is Farrah Yeager  and im blind. I was always home schooled until yesterday. My mum and dad said it would be good for me to go to a public school instead of hiding my great personality. Yeah well doesn't every parent think their child is just perfect? There was no way I could refuse a down side to being Blind you always depend on someone. So three days ago I went up to the school so that I could memorize my way around. It took less than two hours to memorize it but hey they didn't have to know that.

                    The air has a slight breeze so I could assume it has clouds in the sky. Yet the weather was hot and sticky so I has on shorts and a t-shirt with vans.  As I made my way to the quad area which was directly in the middle of the school I heard laughing. I stopped walking and used my seeing stick to lead me to a wall. I listened intently as I made out about 6 voices. Then stupidly I stepped away from the wall and the chattering stopped.                                    

                    I could feel the eyes of the talkers looking at me. My black glasses hiding my eyes as they probably were trying to see who I was. Then as if on cue I heard bottles crash to the ground as the Talkers ran away. My mom came in at the sound of the bottles yet missed the entire scene. Me being oblivious to the fact that the Talkers were vandilizing school property pondered on their purpose at the school.

*School Time*


                    The next morning I woke up to the sound of my stupid alarm. I felt over the clock which was a customer made braille and realised it was 7:36. That was an odd time to go off but whatever i quickly sat up and got out of bed. Everything in my room is in a certain order or else I can be thrown off by a simple missplacement. So I went into the shower quickly bathing as a glimmer of excitement shot through me. When I got out my mum came in and helped me with my hair and then my clothes.

  "Do you wanna wear bright colors or dull colors?" She asked as she opened my closet.


  "Hmm, I was thinking maybe my grey Pierce the Veil shirt and then my black and white short trench coat. I have a feeling its gonna rain today." I reaplied as I lotioned up.

  "Yeah it does seems a little dull outside. How about someone faded blue skinny jeans and your grey ankle boots?" She asked as she handed me the shirt.

   "Alright ," I said as I got dressed. Then I grabbed my Vans off the wall UK designed backpack and iphone. I had my custom made computer, Iphone , note books and a new braille book called "The Demension Shifter". It was actually pretty good. I grabbed my seeing stick and headed down stairs. My dad would be taking me today since he had to head to football practice.


"Hello my darling rose," my dad said as he handed me my bowl of honey nut cheerios, it's great for the heart. I quickly finished my bowl of healthiness and said goodbye to my mum. I traced her face with my hand as I always do and signed to her I love you then headed out the front door.

  "So you excited, Rose?" my dad asked as we backed out of the driveway using his nic name for me.

"Yeah kinda im curious as to how people will act though." I said being as honest as possible with him.

  He responded by patting my back and kissing my forehead as we rolled to a stop. Once again I traced his face with my hand then signed I love you and got out the car. I pulled my stick out and began walking towards the entrance when I felt I was missing something then I realised I left my glasses at home so everyone could see my dull and bruised and lifeless grey-green eyes.

   I triyed my best to ingore the whispers and mumbles of "Is she blind? and "OMG! She can't see!" and "What a pity cause she's hot." Then suddenly I felt a large prescense in front of me. All I could think was this isn't supposed to happen.

  "Hey babe, need help getting to class? Cause I could take you all the way." came a suprisingly female voice. Taken aback I just frowned and was about to reply when a voice from behind me spoke instead. "Hey Beth how about you leave her "tour" to us. Since you seem to have gotten lost especially since your exit is to the left."

    I then heard mumbling about" fucking Zayn" and then my view was clearer. "Uh, thanks." I said to Zayn who I'm guessing was the speaker. "Oh uh your welcome uh my name is Zayn Malik and um would you like help getting through this crowd?" he stuttered which was a change from his cool even tone. I just nodded as I folded my stick and a hand snaked into mine.

   We walked silently through the crowd until I heard a laugh. It was absolutely beautiful as we got closer to it.

   "Hey mate!" came the voice of beauty again. "Hey guys, um meet..." "Oh my name is Farrah Yeager!" I said as I held out a hand. The sound of beauty rang in my years as Zayn turned my body slightly to the right. "Your pretty funny Ms. Farrah, and I'm Niall Horan by the way."and the shook my hand. " What's so funny?" I asked slightly embarassed. "One you were turned away from me to shake my hand and two you said Yeager as in Niger Yeager thtre famous footy player." I blushed yet tried to keep my cool.

    "Well Mr. Horan I have two things to say one my dad is Niger Romano Yeager and two I'm...uh.. blind." I said ask pulled out my stick. I heard his breathe catch in his throat as he realised his mistakes. "That's why I have her hand mate Beth tried to get her." Zayn said quietly.


   "Oh my love of Nandos I feel so bad I apologize..i-i-" Niall started then was cut off by yet another voice. "Hey mate oh and hey isn't that the girl we saw yesterday?" the voice said. "Yeah Liam it is but it turns out she can't see....."

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