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“He’s my brother.” I say with regret of ever bringing up the subject.

“I’m sorry, but are we talking about the same person? You have a brother?”

After a few seconds pause, Jim continues, “Who’s your brother?”

I don’t answer, I just stare at the blank silver and white wall ahead of me.

“Who?” Jim demands.

Well, he was going to find out at some point anyways, why not now?

I look over my shoulder at Jim, Uhura, and Spock. “Khan.” I finally answer. “Khan is my brother.” I say after a few long moments.

“Captain, may I inquire if you were ever planning on informing us of this?” Spock asks me.

I turn back around to face them.

“I knew you three would definitely find out why Khan and I appeared to recognize each other at the ‘abandoned’ Klingon home world. You were right about that, Spock, we did recognize each other, but I can assure you I did not know that my brother came to the future nearly a year ago until a few months ago, when Starfleet gathered for discussion of the bombing in London. Khan can confirm this as well…if he were not in cryo-sleep.”


Hey guys!

I know it's not much, but I'll have the first chapter posted either by tomorrow, or later tonight.

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