Chapter 14

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Not long after, we take a boat to Alcatraz, which is completely broken apart. Huge chunks of part of the ancient prison are scattered all over the island. For now, Alcatraz hasn't been a very good spot for tourism, so we didn't find someone to take us there, not that we would have anyways considering our present situation. I had found the usual speedboat I take to Alcatraz whenever I ask Scotty for any favors like this one.

"What happened to it?" Khan asks when we set foot on the island.

"Remember what happened a few months ago? That bloody big ship of Marcus's? You crashed that into this and part of the damn city."

"Oh..." Khan says. "Right."

"Yep. You destroyed a very ancient building. Good job."

"I didn't mean to."

"Just like no one meant for anything like this to happen."

"When did 'anything like this' start?"

"Isn't it obvious? We've been talking about it for the past few days; mom, dad, and you going back in time. If you three hadn't, none of this would've happened."

"Natasha, chances are I would have become a superhuman terrorist anyways."

"Did you just insult yourself?"

"It's what people've been calling me apparently. And I suppose it's true."

"Wow, that's a first."

"What's been a first?"

"You've agreed with me on an insulting name for yourself. That never happens."

He chuckles. The first non-terrorist laugh I've heard from him in a while.

"Let's just get to the ship."

"Where is it?"

"Should be behind that big wall that used to be the front of the prison." I answered, and walked towards it.

Sure enough, there was a ship there.

"Fueled and ready to fly, Captain!" Scotty calls, walking out from behind the ship. "How do you like her?"

"Beautiful." I answer. "Thanks Scotty."

"Any time Captain! Any that...?" Scotty trails off when he sees Khan.

"Shhh." I put my index finger in front of my lips. "Don't tell anyone, okay?"

"Natasha, do you know-?"

"Yes, of course I do. Now Scotty, don't-tell-anyone. You hear me?"

"But Capt-"

"Scotty please. He's not gonna be doing anything. He's just going out the rest of his life in peace as much as possible."

"Oh yeah? And what's living in peace as much as possible for him? Killing at least one person a week?"

"Scotty..." I chide him.

"No! Natasha, that man is a terrorist! He-"

"I know what and who he is Scotty. You don't need to tell me, because I know it a hell of a lot more than anyone else."

Scotty hesitates. "What do you mean?" He asks.

"I mean that I know Khan more than anyone else, alright? And..." I cut off, reluctant about what I'm about to say. Something I'll probably regret. "I'll tell you what that means when I get back as long as you don't tell anyone about this. Okay?"

"Agh!" Scotty says, throwing his hands up in the air. "Fine. But that's it. No more favors."

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Okay, maybe two or three more. But then I'm done helpin' you and Jim and savin' both of your asses!"

"What does Jim ask you for?"

"Ah, nothing really. I basically run erronds for him sometimes and schedule flights for him and all that."


"Yeah, when he wants to go somewhere other than the rest of San Fransisco-like what you do. He meets me here too you kno-"

"Natasha!" I hear Jim yell behind me.

I think my face completely drains of any color when Jim calls out behind me. I turn and see Jim with a phaser aimed at me.

"What are you doing?" Jim demands.


"No lies Natasha. No more."


"Natasha, you lied to me! Tell the truth. What-are-you-doing-here? I thought Khan was unconscious." He glances at Khan, who's standing next to me.

I look at Khan. "Get in the shuttle right now." I command him. I speak up to Jim. "He was never unconscious. He faked it."

"Where are you taking him?"

"Somewhere where he can live out the rest of his life in peace." I answer as Khan walks into the open door of the shuttle. I stand in front of it.

"And where's that?"

"Somewhere where he'll fit in. Somewhere where you'll never find him." I answer.

"That son-of-a-bitch doesn't belong anywhere other than in a cryotube or, better yet, under the ground."

"Jim! For God's sake, you're talking about my brother!"

"Who's a God-damn terrorist! Since when did you care about him anyways?"

"Since forever!" I pause. "Jim, I know you might not understand why the hell I want to help him, considering all the things he's done in the past, but we're family." I pause again. "And family help each other."

"Give me one example of how he's helped you."

"He's helped both of us-remember that blood transfusion that saved our lives?"

Jim doesn't answer, I know he knows I'm right, and we both know that I've won this little argument between us.

"Let us go, Jim." I say. "Let us go and you never have to see him or even hear his voice again."

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