Chapter 9

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Khan's cryotube was brought in not long afterwards, and before he could protest, Khan was put into cryosleep.

"Captain Adams-" Spock says to me.

"Spock, you can just call me Natasha. What is it?"

"May I have a word?" He asks.

"Of course."

I walk out of the room into a brightly-lit corridor. We walk in silence for a little while.

"You wanted to have a word with me?" I ask him.

"Yes." He stops walking and faces me, looking me in the eye. "This has been on my mind since the event took place." Spock starts. "A few months ago we had gone into a sector of the Klingon homeworld, Kronos, that we believed was abandoned. We went there to capture Khan."

"Yes, I remember."

"Forgive me if I am wrong Cap-"


"Natasha." He echoes. "Forgive me if I am wrong-but when we captured the fugitive, you two appeared to recognize each other."

Does he know? Is he hinting me that he knows about the relations between Khan and I?

"You are asking this now because...?" I say.

"I just remembered and also believed that now was a good time since we are in private."

Should I tell him? He'll figure it out anyway at some point...right?

I take a deep breath.


"Natasha." Jim says, walking into the corridor. "We've got to go, the Enterprise isn't ready yet and we'll get in big trouble if we're here too long."

"Why?" I ask. "Isn't it our ship?"

"New admiral, new rule I guess." He shrugs his shoulders. "Let's go."

I glance at Spock as Jim turns around and then follow Jim.

Spock P.O.V.

Something isn't right. Natasha has been acting strange the past few days, yet I cannot figure it out. It must be something between her and Khan. But what is it? They cannot possibly be family, he's 300 years old!

Or can they...?

Same dark wavy hair, same bright multicolored eyes, same intimidating character...

And they appear to recognize each other.

No, it's impossible! Once again, he's 300 years...

Time travel.

Time travel!

I am so unintelligent! Time travel!

There's a small black market in London, barely large enough to cause any sort of trouble. There used to be a time travel device which could not be made again because one had to be extremely precise when putting it together, if anything went wrong there would be casualties.

When Natasha was nine, Khan must have gone back in time with his parents. It's obvious now! That's why she never speaks of any family and possibly why when she was nine she came to Iowa to live with Captain Pike when she also met Jim.

It all fits together now!

Khan must be Natasha's brother.

Natasha P.O.V.

 When we get back to HQ, I start walking home when Jim, Spock, and Uhura catch up to me.

"We need to talk to you, but not here in public." Uhura says.

"Then where?"

"Your place would do."


"We'll explain when we get there."

Confused, I continue walking home, and when the four of us get to my apartment, I sink down into the couch in the living room.

"What is it?" I ask them as they sit in nearby seats.

"It involves Khan." Jim says.

"Of course it does." I fold my arms up to my chest. "You can't kill him you know. We all know this."

"Only if we blow him up with 72 torpedos-which we could have done by the way." Jim says.

I stand up.

"Look how that would have turned out if we had fired those torpedos at the Klingon homeworld." I say. "Marcus's plan would have worked. It's a good thing we didn't fire."

"Could have killed Khan."

"We would have died anyways because of the Klingons."

"Natasha, is there any kind of relation between you and Khan?" Jim asks me. "Spock said he believes that you and Khan reocgnized each other at Kronos."

I walk away from them, facing the wall.

“He’s my brother.” I say with regret of ever bringing up the subject.

“I’m sorry, but are we talking about the same person? You have a brother?”

After a few seconds pause, Jim continues, “Who’s your brother?”

I don’t answer, I just stare at the blank silver and white wall ahead of me.

“Who?” Jim demands.

Well, he was going to find out at some point anyways, why not now?

I look over my shoulder at Jim, Uhura, and Spock. “Khan.” I finally answer. “Khan is my brother.” I say after a few long moments.

“Captain, may I inquire if you were ever planning on informing us of this?” Spock asks me.

I turn back around to face them.

“I knew you three would definitely find out why Khan and I appeared to recognize each other at the ‘abandoned’ Klingon home world. You were right about that, Spock, we did recognize each other, but I can assure you I did not know that my brother came to the future nearly a year ago until a few months ago, when Starfleet gathered for discussion of the bombing in London. Khan can confirm this as well…if he were not in cryo-sleep.”

"He's your...what? How is that possible?" Jim asks. "The guy is 300 years old!"

"I think Spock knows." I look at Spock. "Right?"

"You are correct."

"Then tell them." I gesture to Uhura and Jim. "Because I think you know everything, starting from before Khan traveled back in time and changed his name from Khan Adams to Khan Noonien-Singh."


Sorry I haven't posted for soooo long! I'll try to update more :)

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