Chapter 2

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"You really mean that?" Khan asks.

"Of course Khan, you're my brother-I have to care for you don't I?"

We heard a noise in the other room, and Khan slowly unlocked the door and peaked inside. I followed him and he quietly closed the door behind me. We stood together in the safety of the dark. Five men had come inside, not shutting the slight-open door behind them.

"Khan, there's more." I whisper. "Which means we need to go right now!"

"No! I'm not running like some coward!"

"They're going to know you're here. Look, they have guns! What do you have?"

Khan was silent.

"Exactly, nothing. We need to go, you're sure there isn't another door in the other room?"

"There's another one." Khan replied reluctantly. "For sure."

"For sure? But didn't you just say-?"

"I lied."

I curs under my breath and sneak back inside the other room. Khan follows me and shuts the door quietly behind him.

"Where is it?" I demand. He doesn't answer. "Khan, where is it?" I repeat.

Khan sighs. "Back there." He points to the opposite wall behind some metal boxes.

"Fantastic." I say sarcastically, and start to move the majority of the metal boxes, but some of them are too heavy even for a real person to lift...except for Khan. I look over at him. "A little help?"

Khan heaves a sigh, and reluctantly helps me move the rest of the heavy metal boxes, finally revealing the door.

"Finally!" I whisper, then try the doorknob. I curse to myself. "Who locks a damn door from the outside?"

"Maybe it's just jammed." Khan says, trying the doorknob. "Nevermind, it's locked."

I hear one of the men shout that someone's missing from a crytube.

"They're gonna know we're hear at some point." I whispe, trying the doorknob again. "Can you at least help me with this door?" I look back where I expect Khan to be. "Khan?"

"Catch." He says from my left. I turn and catch the phaser in my hand, Khan's crouched by one of the dead bodies, holding a phaser of his own. He walks over to a spot a few feet away from the door. "Stand back." He orders.

I obey, and just as he's about to shoot, the door to the other room bursts open. Two of the men flood inside. They look at Khan and yell "Shoot him!" They start to shoot, and Khan and I dive behind the metal boxes.

"Phasers to kill, not stun!" One of them orders.


I know this is a pretty short chapter, but I wasn't planning to update today-but I did! :)

I'll post the next chapter later on, possibly early tomorrow.

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