Part 1

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"Can't one of your teammates give you a ride home? Seriously Jimin. I have a lot of homework to do and I can't do any of it on the bleachers. I need the car," you whined to your older brother.
He simply rolled his eyes like the typical asshole he was. You already knew you'd lost the battle. He would never let you take the car and you'd be stuck sitting on the cold metal bleachers attempting to write your English paper during his baseball practice.

"You're unbelievable," you mumbled, pushing past him to head to your next class.
Huffing, you slumped down into your seat and pulled out your binder. You tapped your pencil against your desk as you waited for class to start so that you could focus on something else besides your anger. All you wanted was for the rest of your day to be problem free.
No such luck. Two minutes before the bell rang, he strolled in. The girls behind you began to giggle and the girls in front of you twirled their hair flirtatiously in a vain attempt to get him to notice them.

"Hey Jungkook, are you going to be at practice today?" you heard one girl ask and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. Of course Jungkook would be at practice. He was the star of the team alongside your brother and if there was one person you couldn't stand more than your brother, it would have to be Jungkook.
"You bet babe," he replied, smirking at her.
The girl bit her lip and leaned towards him. "Then I guess I'll just have to be there."
You scoffed. Jungkook couldn't care less if she was there or not. Nonetheless, Jungkook gave her a smirk and a nod before taking a seat... directly behind you. You inwardly groaned. You knew he did it to piss you off.
"I'm guessing you'll be there too, won't you babe," he whispered behind you.
You gritted your teeth and continued to face forward, counting down the seconds until class started.
"Come on boys! If you miss another grounder, you're all running laps!" the coached yelled, blowing his whistle.
You groaned. This was ridiculous. You'd called all of your other friends to see if they could give you a ride home and all of them had said the same thing: "Sorry Y/N... I wish I could."
Huffing, you put your earbuds in and turned the volume up almost all the way. Between the coach yelling and all of the girls giggling and cheering- over a PRACTICE- you were getting nothing done. You concentrated on the material before you, trying to decipher the prompt you were supposed to be answering and began writing an outline, trying to get something, anything finished.
You jumped as you felt someone tap your shoulder. You looked up, pulling out an earbud to see your brother and Jungkook standing behind you, both sweaty and tired looking.
"Let's go. We need to give Jungkook a ride home too," Jimin stated, starting towards the car.
You gathered your up stuff in annoyance. This day really could not get any worse.
Upon walking to the beat up old car you and your brother shared you saw that Jungkook had taken the passenger seat and that the two boys had piled their gear in the backseat.
"Jimin," you snapped. "How am I supposed to fit?"
"I don't know Y/N. Either find a way or walk home," he replied, shrugging indifferently.
You sneered at him before opening the back door and shoving their stuff as far over as possible before cramming yourself in. You were plastered against the door, your shoulder being bumped by Jungkook's bag and your head being bumped against the window. Even worse, your brother had some god awful rap song blasting that he and Jungkook were jamming to.
Upon arrival and Jungkook's place, you got out of the car when Jungkook did and took the passenger seat as he grabbed his stuff from the back. He thanked your brother and sauntered into his house.
The ride to your house was slightly less obnoxious. Jimin could tell you were pissed and was doing his best to lighten the mood he'd created.
"How was school?"
"Okay... How did your history presentation go?"
He sighed as he pulled into the driveway and you got out, slamming the door behind you and walking into the house and straight up to your room to finish your homework. You ignored Jimin for the rest of the night, barely speaking to him at dinner and not even telling him goodnight.
"I heard there's a party at your place tonight..." your friend Taehyung said slowly, watching you.
"You're joking, right? I get it's Friday and all but seriously! He didn't even tell me!" you replied, slamming your books back into your locker. You turned to look back at Taehyung. "You'll be there, right? Please say you'll be there Tae!"
"Of course I will Y/N. Somebody has to keep you company," he joked, bumping your shoulder lightly.
"Y/N! Let's go!" you heard your brother yell from down the hall. You glanced around Taehyung to see him standing with Jungkook beside him. Typical. They were rarely separated even though they were a year apart in age.
"Hey, you want a ride to my place Tae? That way we can do homework together before the party," you reasoned and he nodded.
The two of you walked towards Jimin and Jungkook.
"Hey we're giving Tae a ride to our house too," you told your brother.
He simply nodded at Tae and started towards the student lot, joking around with Jungkook and flirting with the girls that gave him attention.
At seven o'clock sharp the doorbell was ringing and the bass was thumping in your house. The party had officially started and you knew it was going to be a long night. You and Taehyung were hovering near the drinks talking about nothing and watching people grind on each other and make out on your furniture.
"Hey if you want to go dance, you can," you yelled to Taehyung over the music.
"Let's dance together Y/N," Taehyung suggested and you nodded in agreement.
The two of you danced together, swaying to the music, both a little tipsy. Throughout a few songs you could feel someone's eyes on you and you turned to see Jungkook staring at you. He caught your eye and smirked slightly before turning away and grinding against some random girl. You turned back towards Taehyung and leaned close to him.
"I'm going to get something to eat. Do you want anything?"
"Nah I'm good. Thanks though. Do you know what time it is?" he asked.
You pulled your phone out of your back pocket and clicked the "on" button. The screen lit up and the time read 11:47 pm. Taehyung's eyes widened.
"Shit! Listen, I gotta go. My curfew was like seventeen minutes ago. Sorry Y/N!" He gave you a quick hug as he went up to your room to grab his bag before leaving your house, giving you one last wave before he disappeared through the doorway, leaving you standing in the middle of a group of horny teenagers, alone.
You sighed. The party was in no way winding down. You wandered over to where the punch bowls were and had a couple more drinks before you felt you were tipsy enough to be able to fall asleep even with all of the ruckus. Sighing, you stumbled up the steps to your bedroom and opened the door, stepping into your room and closing it behind you. You began to undress to get into comfier clothes the sleep in when you heard the door click open. You turned, only in your bra, to see Jungkook standing in the doorway, his mouth open slightly.
He quickly closed his mouth and smirked. You gritted your teeth.
"Get. Out. Jungkook."
His eyes scanned your torso before his eyes locked with yours.
"Sure thing baby girl," he said as he started to back out of your room.
You turned away, your face red and your breathing heavy.
"One more thing, YN... You should really wear less loose fitting clothing," he said, quirking an eyebrow at you before closing the door.
You stood in shock before going to your door to lock it. Pushing your back against the cool wood you groaned, holding your head in your hands as you slid down the surface to your floor. How in the world were you supposed to face Jungkook at school the next day?

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