Part 10

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"Woah are you okay? You look tired as hell."
You sighed, leaning your head against the cool surface of your locker door. You simply sighed, not in the mood to explain to Hoseok why you looked so exhausted.
You jumped at the sudden pressure on your shoulder and turned to look at Hoseok. He looked concerned and you didn't blame him. In all honesty, it looked as if somebody had punched you in face. The bags underneath your eyes were gigantic and dark and you entire face was overall unnaturally gaunt.
"Hey if you don't feel like dancing today you don't have to. As long as you still feel up to watching..." he said, his tone soft and sympathetic.
"Hey maybe dancing will actually wake me up," you replied, shrugging before taking a drink from your water bottle.
He nodded, placing a hand on either side of your head and squishing your cheeks in.
"Don't overwork yourself. I just got you and I'm not about to lose you any time soon," he replied, stepping away from you and readjusting his backpack.
He waved to you as the bell rang to signal the start of the passing period to first block. You tried not to groan as you opened your locker and gathered your books. You could already tell it was going to be an unbearably long day.
"Hey Y/N. Did you do the homework? I did mine but I can't find it anywhere so I was kind of hoping you'd let me copy yours," Taehyung said as he walked up to you, rummaging in his backpack.
"Shit," you breathed out.
Taehyung looked up at you, his face sympathetic.
"Rough night?"
You simply nodded, slamming your locker closed and starting towards your first class. Taehyung trailed behind, texting furiously. He was so busy looking down at his phone that he almost slammed into the doorframe of the classroom.
"Jin has this class third. For my sake as well as yours let's hope he did the homework. It'll be late but at least it won't be a zero," Taehyung mumbled, sliding into the seat beside you.
You sighed deeply and rested your head on your desk. Oh yes. It was truly going to be an unbearably long day...
You walked into the cafeteria which doubled as the dance practice room. Hobi was stretching, Namjoon was scrolling on his phone, Yoongi sitting at a table writing something in a notebook, and Taehyung was talking to... Jin?
"Hey, sorry I'm a little late," you mumbled, walking to an empty table to set your things down.
"That's fine. We're happy you came at all," Hobi said happily, standing up and clapping his hands loudly.
Jin waved goodbye to Taehyung and hugged Namjoon before leaving, throwing you a smile in passing.
Weird... you thought, tying your shoes and joining the circle that had formed around the dance captain.
"Okay today we have to do some reps on the new work. I'm not sure we all have it down," Hoseok said, walking over to the stereo. He fiddled with the buttons on it until the music coming through it made it nearly impossible to hear instruction over.
"Five, six... five, six, seven, eight!"
You slumped against the wall. Practice had been more difficult than you'd anticipated, but at least it had taken you mind off of Jungkook. Throughout the day, both he and your brother had texted you as normal, yet you couldn't help but feel the paranoia start to set in.
Everything was going too well... It was only a matter of time until Jimin found out you were with Jungkook. Plus, he had told you he was dating your best friend, so wasn't it only fair that you told him you were dating his best friend?
You groaned, clamping your head in your hands. It was all too much and the entire ordeal was giving you a headache.
Hoseok shot you a look. Everyone else had already left, so he figured it was up to him to comfort you.
"You sure you're all good?" he whispered, sitting down beside you.
You huffed out a breath of air and faced Hoseok, your face sullen.
"I don't know. I think everything will work out, I just don't know if it will work out the way I want it too."
Hoseok nodded, his face sympathetic. You turned away from him, staring straight ahead. You could feel his gaze on you and you felt your face begin to heat up.
"Stop staring at me," you mumbled.
"Not until you look at me. I want to see you a little happier by the time you walk out of here," Hoseok replied, moving his face closer to yours.
The ghost of a smile graced your lips. How could he possibly always be so sweet and positive? It was infectious.
You turned to look at him, your nose brushing his slightly. You blushed harder, pulling back.
Hoseok sat back as well, quirking an eyebrow. He opened his mouth to say something, but it wasn't his voice that came out...
"Are we interrupting something?" Jimin asked.
You leaned around Hoseok, your eyes wide as your brain worked to find an answer suitable for not only your brother but also your boyfriend Jungkook who was standing directly behind Jimin, his face impassive.
Hoseok stood up quickly, brushing his hands on his shorts before extending one.
"Hoseok, but most people call me Hobi. Dance team leader!" he exclaimed brightly, a genuine smile gracing his lips.
Jimin raised his eyebrows in surprise before grasping Hoseok's outstretched hand and shaking it quickly. Hoseok extended his hand towards Jungkook, who completely ignored it.
You could see Hoseok's smile slip slightly before his hand lowered to his side. He turned back to you, grabbing his bag and giving you a quick hug before leaving.
"You know you can text me anytime!" he hollered, walking out of the cafeteria.
Jimin looked at you, wiggling his eyebrows to tease you. You rolled your eyes at him, grabbing your own bag and heading to your brother's car, Jimin and Jungkook following close behind.
"He's a friend. Honestly, I don't even know him that well," you mumbled, sliding into the back seat.
Jungkook slid into the passenger seat and Jimin slid into the driver's seat, flinging his backpack onto your lap.
Jimin started the car and pulled out of his parking space, his eyes meeting yours in the rear-view mirror.
"Okay, if you say so. He seems nice..." Jimin started. You could tell there was more he wanted to say.
"Spit it out," you mumbled, already knowing what he was going to say.
"Well, he's also into you."
You felt your stomach clench. You'd had the same thought, a thought you'd tried to ignore. Jungkook shifted uncomfortably in his chair.
"Don't say things like that," you snapped, slumping back into your seat.
Jimin didn't let it go. He kept yammering about how 'into' you Hoseok was the entire way home.
"I mean, in the cafeteria.." Jimin said as he pulled into your driveway. You guessed Jungkook would be staying the night again. "He was totally about to kiss you."
Jungkook got out of the car, slamming the door behind him.
"And..." Jimin sing-songed, "I think the two of you would look really good together. I mean, I'd be happy if you dated him. He'd be good for you."
Jungkook seemed to snap. He turned to face you and Jimin, his face cold and his fists clenched at his sides.
"You don't get a say in who she gets to date," he hissed, his face growing red. "Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, you're holding her back? She shouldn't feel like she has to hide things from-"
"And what's she hiding Jungkook? Hmm? What's Y/N hiding?" Jimin asked, his voice dangerously low.
You expected Jungkook to step down. He didn't.
"You know exactly what," he replied, a sneer plastered on his face.
Jimin stalked towards Jungkook, his face too close to Jungkook's for you to see just how angry he was. You stood rooted in place, unsure if your input would help or hinder.
"You know that you're my best friend, Jungkook. But I will not allow you to break my sister's heart. I just want to keep her safe. Seeing her sad... I couldn't handle that," Jimin said, trailing off.
"Can't you see she's unhappy now?" Jungkook asked, his voice strained.
Jimin turned to look at you, his face softening slowly. Of course he'd noticed a change in your demeanor, he just didn't want to admit that'd he'd played a role in your unhappiness. Sighing, he stepped away from Jungkook.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I just want to be your protective older brother forever... I guess you're not actually three anymore even though you act like you are," he said,  turning to you and smiling slightly at the scowl you gave him.
He turned back towards Jungkook, grabbing his shirt collar and pulling him closer.
"You break her heart and I will personally break you. Yeah?"
"I would never hurt her, I love her," Jungkook said, his voice clear and confident.
Jimin nodded, letting go of Jungkook's shirt collar.
Your breath caught. Jungkook loved you. Jungkook. Loved. You. And you? You loved Jungkook.

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