Part 2

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"Hey are you going to the game tonight?"
You slid farther down in your seat, doing your best to continue to ignore Jungkook. You hadn't been able to look him in the eye all week. In fact, you'd even contemplated faking an illness to stay home from school just so you could avoid him. However, school was important to you and a small part of you didn't want to give the Jungkook the satisfaction of knowing that he'd gotten to you. He had though, and he knew it.
You felt a warm hand on your shoulder as Jungkook slid around to sit at the desk across from yours. He placed his elbows on his knees and looked at you. You felt your cheeks reddening but continued to ignore him.
"I am Jungkookie."
You looked up at the girl who'd spoken, pursing your lips. It wasn't like she'd ever done anything to you, but for some reason you couldn't stand her. Maybe it was the way she was always so sickly sweet or maybe it was the way she walked like she owned the universe. Whatever it was, she irked you. It also irked you that she called Jungkook "Jungkookie".
Jungkook nodded politely at her before sending her a wink. The bell rang and he slid back over to his seat behind you, his feet hitting the legs of your chair and jolting you forward.
Your fiists clenched and you did your best to control the urge to turn around and punch the smirk right off of his face. You did your best to pay attention to the lecture when a piece of paper landed on your desk. You knew Jungkook had thrown it.
You simply swiped it off of your desk and onto the floor... only to have it be replaced by an identical piece. Huffing, you gave in and unfolded the note.
What color underwear are you wearing today?
Your face became redder than the pen you were using and you quickly crumpled the note in your hand and stuffed it into your back. Jungkook chuckled behind you.
When the bell rang, you quickly began to shove your belongings in your bag randomly. You really wanted to go home or at the very least bury yourself ten feet underneath the Earth. Either way, you wished to be away from Jungkook.
As you stood up you felt him behind you, his hand grazing your hip as he leaned towards you.
"I'll see you at the game babygirl."
You felt goosebumps jump up on your skin. Jungkook slipped past you and you clenched your fist, your nails digging into your palm. By God you wanted to hit him so hard that he'd be seeing stars for the rest of his life.
Another part of you felt something completely different. Your stomach... had a warm feeling in the pit of it. You could feel the ghost of a smile on your face.
You slowly left the classroom, bidding your teacher goodbye.
"Hey, I'd almost thought you'd left without me," Taehyung greeted you as you walked out of the classroom.
"Sorry I just got held up," you replied as you opened your locker.
After placing your books in your locker and closing it you turned back towards your best friend, a smirk donning your lips.
"Hey Tae... let's go to the baseball game today."
Your best friend had never looked so shocked. However, he nodded, his eyebrows furrowing.
"But first, let's go get something to eat. I missed lunch," you said, looping your arm through his. He smiled down at you.
"I'll drive Y/N. It's my treat."
The two of you arrived towards the end of the game, just as you'd planned. Your school's team was down by two.
"Let's sit in front Tae. I won't be able to see if we sit in the back," you complained as Taehyung began heading towards the back of the bleachers.
"Oh, yeah. Sure Y/N," he replied.
He had no idea why you were suddenly so interested in baseball. In all the years your brother had played baseball, the two of you had gone to maybe three of his games. So why now....
You two found seats towards the front of the bleachers. All around you were girls, most of them sitting idly and waiting for either Jungkook or Jimin to come up to bat. They suddenly erupted as your brother stepped up to the plate.
"Oh my God his ass looks fucking amazing in those pants," the girl beside you shrieked. Her friend nodded her head in agreement, fanning herself slightly.
You rolled your eyes in disgust. You'd have to tell your brother that all the time he spent at the gym lifting weights instead of doing his homework was paying off.
The pitcher lined up to throw, his leg lifting before coming down in front of him, his arm swinging around as he released the ball. You could barely see the ball, but Jimin apparently had no trouble. He swung, connecting with the center of the ball. You couldn't help but stand to watch it as it soared towards the fence before hitting it and bouncing back onto the field. The midfielder raced to throw the ball back to the pitcher. By the time the ball reached the pitcher, Jimin had reached second base.
"Yes! Way to go bro!" you screamed.
"Yeah Jimin!" Taehyung yelled beside you.
Some boy from your history class came up to bat next. You thought his name was Jin but you weren't positive. You hadn't even known he was on the baseball team and you couldn't help but feel slightly guilty.
The pitcher's ritual was the same. He wound up and threw.
The pitcher wound up and threw again.
The pitcher wound up and threw again. Jin's bat connected with the ball and it flew over the first baseman's head. Jimin ran to third as Jin made it to first.
Jungkook had been up to bat next. He stood with one foot inside the batter's box and looked first at the coach, then at the crowd, his eyes scanning the seats. Jungkook's eyes connected with yours and you smirked, quirking an eyebrow to taunt him. He simply returned your smirk and stepped inside the batter's box.
"God look as his forearms," the girl beside you commented.
To be honest, you had been too busy staring at his ass to notice just how muscular his arms were. The muscles in his forearms rippled as he adjusted his grip on the bat, letting it sway lightly.
The pitcher wound up and you found yourself holding your breath as he released the ball. Jungkook took a step forward and swung, his bat connecting with the center of the ball and popping it up... and over the fence.
All around you girls were jumping to their feet and cheering. Jimin ran home as Jin rounded second and third and finally made it home. Jungkook simply jogged as the other team hung their heads in defeat. As soon as he touched home, the team swarmed around him, Jimin, and Jin, clapping them on their backs and slapping their helmets.
"Okay, I'll be the first to say it... That was pretty fun," Taehyung said with a laugh as he looped his arm around your shoulder. You bent your elbow and laced your fingers through his as the two of you started down the bleachers and towards the fence.
Jungkook had been watching you since he'd touched home plate. He noted how touchy you were with Taehyung. His jaw clenched. You couldn't possibly be with Taehyung.
"Hey man. What are you looking at that's more important than celebrating..." Jimin trailed off, following Jungkook's line of vision.
Jimin figured that there was only one possible place he was looking, and he wasn't terribly happy about it.
"Dude, why are you staring at my sister? You know she's off limits," Jimin said lowly, turning towards Jungkook.
Jungkook swallowed thickly before looking back at Jimin and lying right through his teeth.
"I wasn't staring at your sister. Come on man, she's like my sister too. The girl behind her is pretty hot," Jungkook replied, bumping Jimin's shoulder slightly.
Jimin narrowed his eyes before he let out a laugh.
"Yeah man. You should get her number. I heard she's your number one fan," he replied with a wink before walking away.
Jungkook turned his attention back to where you had been standing minutes before only to find you gone. He sighed, turning towards the dugout to gather his stuff and take a shower so that he could go home.
"Hey, you need a ride?" Jimin asked as he grabbed his bag.
"Nah. I drove here today. Plus I'm going to take a shower. I suggest you do the same," Jungkook replied playfully.
Jimin chuckled.
"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."
Jungkook sighed as he let himself back into the silent school and headed towards the locker room, his cleats clicking on the tile floor. He stepped into the locker room and went to the shower, undressing and throwing his jersey and pants on his bag. Turning on the water, he let it warm as much as possible before he stepped in and let it run across his shoulders.
Jimin's words ran through his mind.
She's off limits.
Well, Jungkook didn't know if he could control himself much longer. He knew he was wearing down the wall you'd built up between the two of you and he wasn't going to stop now. What Jimin didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

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