Part 9

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"My mom wants me to become more involved at the school," you sighed, walking with Taehyung to P.E.
The last few days your mom had been hinting that she wanted you to become involved, "like your brother". You'd done your best to act clueless in order to get her to drop the subject, but she'd finally confronted you and outright told you that she wanted you to become more involved.
Taehyung raised an eyebrow.
"You already spend most of your awake hours here though..." Taehyung replied. "If both you and your brother are here, what am I going to do after school? Homework?"
You laughed, bumping your shoulder against his as you got ready to part ways to dress out.
"Or you could join a club with me," you said, only half teasing. If Taehyung joined a club with you, it may make it more bearable. Then again, making some new friends wouldn't hurt...
Dressing out quickly, you hurried out of the locker room, catching snippets of gossip before exiting. Looking behind you to ensure you weren't going to drop the door on someone, you didn't see the person in front of you stop suddenly. You smacked into them, your hands planted on the other person's chest. Later, you would take time to thank any God that would listen that you hadn't run into a girl.
"Whoa, you okay there?" the boy said, his hands- one of which was holding his phone- coming to your waist to steady you.
You blushed slightly, your hands leaving his chest. You didn't recognize the boy, but you had to admit he was attractive. Which made the event even more embarrassing.
"Yeah. Thanks I'm really sorry for- for that," you stuttered.
"I'm Hoseok. Most people call be Hobi," he told you, flashing a blindingly bright smile.
You couldn't help but smile back. His happiness was infectious.
"Nice to meet you Y/N. You know, I don't know if this is the right time to recruit or not, but we're always looking for new members to join the dance team.." he said, smiling even wider.
No way. No way the universe had plopped down the answer to your problems in front of you in the form a smiling teenage boy. Unbelievable.
"Hey! Don't worry if you can't dance. We also make music. If you can't sing, that's okay too. Maybe rapping is your passion!" Hobi said quickly.
"How many other people are in the club?" you inquired.
"Well... me, Namjoon, Yoongi... and that's kind of all. So three of us. But we only need five members to be able to compete!" he said brightly.
Only one of those names was familiar to you. Namjoon had been the class president since Freshman year. You couldn't imagine him on a dance team. He tripped over something everyday and you always saw him reading or taking candid photos of his friends. He seemed to enjoy art. But, you supposed dancing was another form of art. 
Overall, the dance team was the perfect way to "get involved".
"You only need two more people right?" you asked slowly, an idea forming in your head.
Hobi nodded excitedly.
"Come with me. It'll be really fast, I promise," you said, hauling him in the direction of the gym.
He followed without complaint, letting you pull him into the gym and through the crowd of people.
"Tae!" you called.
Taehyung turned towards you and his eyes narrowed in confusion at the sight of you with a cute and unfamiliar boy in tow.
"Y/N... who's your friend?" he asked, shooting Hobi and apologetic look.
"Hobi, Taehyung. Taehyung, Hobi."
"Nice to meet you," Hobi said, shooting Taehyung a smile.
"If Tae and I join the dance team, then you'll have enough to compete. Tae, if you and I join the dance team, we'll have something to do after school."
Taehyung laughed, pretending to mull the idea over.
"You've got a point. I guess I'll join if you will," he replied, looking between you and Hobi.
Hobi's face brightened even more.
"We'll have enough to compete! You guys, this is going to be great, oh my God!" Hobi exclaimed, grabbing onto you and Taehyung and pulling the two of you into a hug.
He pulled away as the bell rang.
"Meet me after school in the small gym! I've gotta go I'm late oh my God this is exciting okay I'll see you all after school small gym don't for-"
And he was gone.
"I can't believe I've never seen him around before," Taehyung mumbled.
"Yeah... he is pretty hard to miss."
"Hey, I can't give you a ride after school. Coach scheduled another practice. State's only a week away," Jimin said as he and Jungkook sat down to eat lunch with you and Taehyung.
"That's fine. We're staying here after school anyway," you said.
Jimin looked at Taehyung, and Taehyung nodded in agreement.
"What's going on with the two of you?" Jungkook asked. "You two always go home after school."
"We joined a club," Taehyung supplied.
Jimin and Jungkook's heads snapped up from their lunches. Jimin's mouth was half open, displaying the food he had half chewed. Taehyung reached over and closed his boyfriend's mouth. Junkgook swallowed hard, his lips curling in. You could tell he was trying to suppress his laughter.
"Hey!" you said, kicking Jungkook lightly under the table. "You don't even know what club we've joined."
"Okay, humor us. What club did you the two of you join?" Jimin asked.
"We joined the dance team," Taehyung said, grinning.
Jungkook let out a snort that turned into a full on laugh, Jimin joining in. The two of them were soon doubling over in laughter at the statement.
Taehyung looked at you, exasperation written clearly on his face. The two of you stood up, discarding your half finished lunches in annoyance. You felt like you couldn't tell the two of them anything.
You walked around the table and leaned down by Jungkook as Taehyung tried to get Jimin to stop laughing.
"You know how flexible I am. Or do you need a reminder? Don't test me Jeon Jungkook," you whispered to him, before reaching around him to hit your brother on the head, straightening up and walking out of the cafeteria with Taehyung.
Dance club was... well you weren't really sure. Everyone was very welcoming. It turned out that Namjoon and Suga rapped, and that Hobi also did. To be honest, Namjoon wasn't half bad at dancing. In fact, he was actually pretty good at it. You could tell he practiced a lot. Yoongi was fun to talk to once he opened up. He had a way of dancing that almost commanded your attention. Hobi worked hard and you were sore after the first practice.
"That was actually- dare it say it- fun," Taehyung said, grinning at you as he dropped you off at your house.
You laughed in response, sliding out of the car and waving through the window at him before starting up the drive to your house. Taehyung honked the car horn before waving on more time and driving away. You chuckled to yourself, walking into your house and locking the door behind you. You slipped your shoes off and looked up to be greeted by the sight of Jungkook and Jimin playing video games on the couch.
"Hey Y/N. Jungkook's staying the night," Jimin mumbled, his eyes trained on the T.V.
To be honest, you weren't surprised. Now that Jungkook and Jimin's little fight was over, the two of them were practically inseparable again.
Jungkook didn't even spare you a glance as you walked by them up the stairs to your bedroom.
You flung yourself onto your bed, staring at the ceiling, acutely aware that every muscle in your body was aching. You groaned, rolling onto your side to check your phone. Hobi had added you to the group chat and your phone was blowing up with texts from him and Namjoon. You read through the conversation before muting it and rolling onto your back again. You sighed, unsure of what to do. With Jungkook playing video games downstairs, it wasn't like you could talk to him without seeming "too chummy". Plus, you desperately wanted to shower. You figured the warm water would relax your muscles.
Standing up, you gathered clothes and padded quietly to the bathroom. You closed the door behind you, not bothering to lock it. Turning the water on you, you stripped as you waited for the water to warm up. When it was sufficiently warm, you stepped in, sighing as the warm water ran across your back. You didn't even hear the bathroom door open, but you heard to shower curtain slide back.
You choked back a scream at the sight of Jungkook, naked.
"Call down babygirl. I've seen you naked before," he smirked, stepping into the shower and closing the curtain behind him.
You relaxed slightly, your initial shock fading.
"Jungkook, what the HELL? Jimin's home," you hissed.
Jungkook simply smirked again.
"That's what makes it fun," he whispered, slipping his arms around your waist.
You leaned into him. The moment was intimate, and you found yourself wrapping your arms around Jungkook's waist and sighing.
"How was practice?" he asked, rubbing circles on your back.
"Good. Hard. It was fun. I'm going to stay in the club," you mumbled.
Jungkook hummed in response, pulling back and grabbing your bottle of shampoo. He put a small amount on his hand and began to massage it into your hair gently.
"I'm sorry for laughing at you earlier," he said quietly.
You shrugged, stepping into the water to rinse your hair. Jungkook put conditioner on his hand and as soon as you'd stepped out of the water he was massaging it into your hair. You sighed.
"You're making it up to me now," you replied.
He smiled as you stepped back into the water to rinse the conditioner off. He grabbed your sponge and put your soap on it, turning you around to wash your back gently.
He leaned closer to you, his back pressing against your soapy one as he drug the sponge between your breasts and stomach.
"I can make it up to you in more ways than one," he mumbled, pressing a kiss behind your ear and nipping slightly at your neck, leaving red marks that were sure to fade before you even stepped out of the shower.
You gasped as he dropped the sponge and ran a finger through your folds.
"Jungkook," you whimpered, feeling one of his fingers slip inside of you.
"Shh. There are other people in the house Y/N," he teased, slipping another finger inside of you and pumping them at a slow pace.
You ground against his finger, trying to gain more friction. His thumb rubbed your clit roughly as he nipped at your neck. Your head fell back onto his shoulder.
"Ready for more baby?" he teased.
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak.
Suddenly, his fingers stilled inside of you. You let out a quiet whine, grinding down harder.
"Beg for it."
You eyes fluttered open.
"Jungkook, please, I need more. I need you, please Jungkook," you begged.
He suddenly slipped another finger inside of you and began pumping them quickly. You walls clenched around his fingers in pleasure. You lifted one leg to rest on the edge of the bathtub to allow Jungkook to hit the spot you most wanted him to hit. You cried out in pleasure, encouraging Jungkook. His thumb brushed over your sensitive bud, making you arch your back and choke back a loud groan.
"Come on babygirl, cum for me," Jungkook breathed into your ear.
His fingers began to pump faster, and his other hand slid up your side to massage your breast roughly.
You walls clenched around his fingers as you felt the warmth in your stomach growing more painful. You clenched around him again as you came. Jungkook kept pumping his fingers in you to draw out your orgasm. You were breathing hard and your head felt light. You slumped against Jungkook, weak.
"Shit Jungkook," you breathed out, turning to face him.
He smiled down at you.
"That's my full apology for laughing at you," Jungkook mumbled into your hair. "We better get out of the shower. Jimin's probably wondering why I've been gone so long."
You nodded, turning off the water and grabbing your towel. Jungkook grabbed the one beside yours- Jimin's towel- and stepped out of the shower behind you. He wrapped the towel around his waist as he dried you off. He dried himself off and put on a pair of Jimin's old grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt.
"I'll leave first," he said, kissing your forehead.
He opened the door, smiling back at you... and ran directly into Jimin. Your eyes widened, and you stood rooted in place.
"What are you doing in the bathroom with my sister?" Jimin asked, his voice flat.
"We- we were-"
"Brushing out teeth. Calm down Jimin," you said, rolling your eyes as you tried your best to calmly push past the two boys.
Jimin narrowed his eyes and grabbed your wrist as you walked by him.
"Then why do both of you have wet hair? And why was the bathroom door closed?"
Jungkook cleared his throat.
"I waited until she was out of the shower and, um, decent. Then I washed my hair in the sink. We closed the bathroom door to have more space," Jungkook said, the lie rolling off his tongue with ease.
Jimin turned to you and you nodded, trying to keep your face blank.
"Also, I used your toothbrush," Jungkook said grinning.
All tension disappeared as Jimin broke out into a laugh and pushed Jungkook's shoulder.
"Gross! Please tell you didn't. Y/N, please tell me he didn't," Jimin groaned.
You shrugged, winking at Jungkook playfully and walking away, the sound of their laughter echoing behind you.
Your heart was racing. What would have happened if Jimin had walked in thinking it was just Jungkook showering? Did Jimin honestly not have any idea about the two of you? Your brother may have been dumb, but he wasn't that dumb... was he?
You shook the questions from your mind, settling into bed and setting your alarm. However, if you had known you'd be up all night thinking, you wouldn't have even bothered setting an alarm.

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