Jelsa chap 6

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Elsa was unable to leave her room. Her curse was uncontrollable and was almost always had some of her curses powers present. Some days it was so terrible she couldn't even accept trays of food from the servants. Elsa grew thin and weak the first couple weeks.

The second week after the sisters had heard the news, they couldn't put it off any longer and had a funeral for them. Neither sister was really in any sort of state to plan it but Anna took responsibility since she at least could interact with others. There were no bodies in the casket of course, their bodies had been lost at sea, but Anna arranged it so that members of the household, mostly servants, could put small items inside so that at least it would not be empty. When asked what she would like to put inside, Elsa donated the first pair of gloves they had given her, now much too small for her hands.

Soon after the funeral, Anna visited Elsa's door for the first time in years. Instead of the lively carefree knock that she had always done, the sound that alerted Elsa was dead sounding. She sang to her, as she used to, and years of deja-vu rolled over Elsa. She knelt by the door so she could be as close as she could to Anna.

Jack watched as again Elsa's faint control faltered and fell. Just before the room was completely covered over, Jack placed his palm on the door when it was level with Elsa and iced his outline. When he lifted his hand, there was an accurate shape of his hand. Elsa noticed it and gave the empty air a watery smile before she sunk her head in her arms.


Once again, very sorry it's so short. Last week and this week have been really hectic and I literally just did not have time to write the couple paragraphs I call a chapter. But, I had a snow day which allowed my to study lots and write my few paragraphs. Please tell me what you think and thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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