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What if I told you poverty is on the rise rather than ceasing to exist
What if I told you 1 in 7 Canadians live in poverty
What if I told you every 1 in 5 children live in the conditions of poverty
What if I told you 1 in 8 Canadian households struggle to put food on the table
What if you were 1 of those people, would you care then?

At least 80% of humans worldwide are living on less than $10 a day.

Poverty has the same face in all places - poverty is a disease, but the only cure is changing humanity. We need to build up the bridges between the rich and poor to close the gap to obtain peace and harmony. Unfortunately, nowadays, humanity is selfishly generous. I mean, how would you feel if the tables got turned and you were sitting where they are?

How about you donate that dollar instead of buying a plastic water bottle.

You keep spending money like it is going out of fashion. Sorry to break it to you, but money doesn't grow on trees.

These people going through poverty were just like all of us. They had a family, children, happy lives and an income source. But what happened when the plug was pulled on them? They lost their jobs, they couldn't pay their rent. Then [pause]

Then they got thrown out on the streets.

You keep saying everyone is equal, but it's clearly obvious some are more equal than others. Don't you see? Money is causing corruption. If money didn't exist, wouldn't we all be the same?

But no because money does exist.

People suffering from poverty keep telling themselves, "What's done cannot be undone." They're now trapped in this cruel society with nowhere to go. They could run away from their lives and their problems and start up all over again. But do you really think that will be easy with no one there supporting them along the way?

Society has no idea what's going around them. They don't know that they're making it worse. Society is so cruelly innocent.

Have you ever thought to yourself where the people suffering through poverty go in the winter, and the weather is freezing?

What about those children in Africa who struggle to have something to eat for their survival? They don't have proper shelters, or any clean water to drink. Their water is full of bacteria which could cause diseases and illnesses with no cure, or if they did have a cure, they could not afford it. People passed away simply because they had no food to put on the table every night. But we [pause]

We throw away leftovers and waste our money on rubbish.

Maybe instead of buying rubbish, we could buy a can of food or maybe even 2 and donate it.

You think going to food services and the government for help is a piece of cake.

But people suffering through poverty are as timid as a mouse. They don't know their heads from their toes.

That's why we need to stop taking things for granted and looking at the bigger picture.

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