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"Okay, this is gonna be harder than I thought."


"So you know how a few radiation victims from Earth were being held on the spaceship in case we found a way to cure them? The - the "zombies." Um...yeah. They...they...

"...kind of got free."




"To the best of our knowledge, only ours got free. The other ships should be okay. Um...there are two of them. A man and a woman. No, scratch that, there were two of them. Who knows how many there are now. They've been attacking people...and guns don't really slow them down...they used stun guns until they found out that those...totally didn't work."

"I was interning on a team studying them. I know I'm kinda young for even an interning gig, but I'm older than I look. Eighteen, actually. Legal. Heh."

"I'm rambling."

"Anyway, I wanted to make this video just in case we all...they...just in case something really bad happens and the other spaceships want to know what happened. Which I'm guessing they would. So..."


"We're not even sure how they got free, but they're crazy strong. Like, insanely. I almost wonder..."

"No, it couldn't be that."

"But maybe, like, it was something with the experimenting? I'm not saying we're doing anything unethical or - or illegal, but maybe..."

"Anyway, the only reason that I'm not freaking out more than I already am is because I'm in a locked down area. We've got barricades up that not even those monsters could get through."

"I shouldn't call them monsters. They're humans."

"But they're not really, not anymore. I don't know if it was the radiation or - or what - "


"They got free and killed the entire team. I took a sick day that day, thank god. Jesus - I can only imagine what would have happened if I went anyway...I wasn't even that sick, I mean..."

"I'm rambling again. Sorry. I know I'm completely safe, but you can probably tell I'm nervous just from the fact that I'm making this stupid video."

"So anyway, the government barricaded us in one of the residential wings. They're out in the spaceship right now, except a group of soldiers watching over us. I feel bad for those soldiers who have to be out hunting those things. The lucky ones are in here with us."


"I'm sure that was nothing. Someone just got startled or something. Like I said, the barricades are super strong - "


"Okay, I'm just gonna go check. Be right back."




"Oh, thank god. I don't see anything. Still...gonna lock my door."







"No, no, no. The door's really strong. There's no way it could get through a locked door. That's what the locks are there for, to protect us."


"Holy crap. It's getting in."


"Weapon...weapon...weapon...there's nothing! Literally nothing!"

"No - get away from me - "





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