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There is a multitude of available vehicles to utilize during the zombie apocalypse. Well, I suppose that amount actually depends on how old you are. After all, if you're, say, a twelve-year-old survivor, you're probably not going to have access to a car that you can actually drive! Although if you're a twelve-year-old surviving alone, I really couldn't say.

Even with a plethora of choices, mine would be the bicycle.

First off, while bikes do need their tires to be occasionally reinflated, it would be easy enough to bring along a bike pump - they're not that big, after all! Aside from that, bikes don't need a ton of maintenance unless you plan on doing crazy tricks with them and need to keep them in perfect condition, which I wouldn't.

Secondly, they're pretty quiet. Unless they've got a squeaky chain, they're way quieter than, say, a car or motorcycle. In fact, on the right pathways, they're nearly silent!

Third, they don't require an outside force to make them move aside from your own muscle. Not only would you get a good workout biking everywhere, but they don't require gas like cars and other vehicles. The closest it gets to needing something external to keep it going is the bike pump I mentioned above, and I already have a solution to that - just take it with you!

Fourthly, bikes can move fairly quickly. While bikes don't hold a candle to motor-powered vehicles, they can still get going at a pretty good clip, certainly fast enough to outrun even the speediest zombie horde!

Now, if I was traveling with a group, bikes could still work, but at that point, I would want a bus. After all, I probably wouldn't be traveling with such a large group of survivors that we would fill the whole bus, which would mean extra room for luggage, food, gasoline tanks, and sleeping places.

Of course, though, the problem would be gas, since I'm sure almost every other survivor would also want a motor-powered vehicle.

But then again, nobody every said that the zombie apocalypse was easy! It's a fight to survive.

I would just prefer to survive on a bike.

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