7: Frustrations

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I might have not noticed it myself, yet by the day my mother had raised her inquisitions, I had figured that my vexation had been leaking out of my gestures and actions for the days that had passed.

Instead of triggering any unnecessary suspicion from her, I simply lied and told her I was frantic over the fact that I might be out of place.

As expected, she reminded me of the several times I had involved myself with parties and mingled with socialites. I was then partly scolded for my low confidence, and she gave me a full lecture of how there was nothing I need to be insecure of.

But that wasn't exactly the case, and well, she need not to know. My mother could be a private investigator, and she would quickly catch on it with a simple slip of my tongue, so I intently nodded throughout her lesson without arguments.

Though I was actually upset. Knowing my mother, she would always think about it and worry about me.

Well, at least it was better for her to worry about this, than that.

"Are you trying to disintegrate my arm?"

I let out a small yelp, only realizing that I had been clutching on him tightly, as if my life depended on it. Except that I actually felt like it did.


I loosened my grip, debating on whether I should just let go of him completely as I was not confident that I wouldn't go back to tightening my grasp again.

But before I could slip my hand away, Jimin took my hand off his arm and held on it instead. I lifted my gaze, bemused with his action.

"If you feel way too uneasy, you could just hold my hand then. Saves me the trouble of fracturing my arm."

I pushed my lower lip into a small pout and dropped my gaze on the shiny marbled floor.

"I'm really sorry."

Jimin snorted humorlessly. "Chin up, Haneul."

"Sorry about that."

"And stop apologizing."

"Oh, okay."

A cold air of awkward silence ensued us, with the sound of classy jazz music and echoey chatters to fill the background.

Mr. Bun held his event in his extravagant penthouse. It was divided into a roofed area, and a totally open space with a swimming pool. The tint of the lights were a mix of royal blue and champagne gold that reflected through the glass walls.

Everything was admirable and aesthetically pleasing, however my heart just couldn't stay at ease.

"Don't worry, we can leave right after we meet him." Jimin brushed my hand with his thumb. He must've noticed how tense my every move was.

"Jimin," I whispered, not meeting his gaze. "You aren't a dangerous person right?"

It was a stupid question, but just a shot to tranquilize my system.

Jimin lightly pulled my hand down and I halted on my tracks. He stood in front of me with the faintest smile, free from any form of malice.

"Have you finally learned your lesson after all these years to be cautious? Have you finally realized that you need to watch out for yourself?"

I curiously stared at him, pursing my lips before I shifted my gaze elsewhere. Jimin traced a finger on my hairline, brushing a strand away from my face, his touch burning through my skin.

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