19: Coffee

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The morning that followed that sentimental night with Jimin, he insisted that he'd stay with me and reasoned that it was also a great way to spend time with each other, given that we had missed a lot about each other's lives and that we needed to catch up.

Knowing his persistent ways, I gave in. So for the rest of that day, we had ordered takeaways and kept ourselves locked inside my apartment doing quite literally nothing. Well, it was mostly Jimin snooping over the photo album under my coffee table, a couple of small talks and sleeping throughout the whole afternoon. If you'd ask me, it was more of a lazy excuse for him to ignore his work.

From there on, Jimin visited me every other day, if not every day, as if we had established a silent agreement to be friends again. Well, things were going smoothly between us anyways.

"Does being a businessman actually turn you into a boring person?" I stared blankly at Jimin, propping my chin on my fist and frowned. "I can't believe you took me out to a coffee shop."

Tilting my head, I stirred on my black coffee which had now grown cold. It was too bitter for my liking and all I could do was to admire how rich it seemed with every swirl on the cup.

I had nothing against coffee shops. In actual fact, I loved the comforting ambiance they emanate. But right now, I guess I could use it to tease the silver-haired guy sitting across me, which was effective by the way the sheepish smile on his face caused his eyes to squint and how a tinge of pink colored his cheeks.

Something I hadn't seen for so long.

Besides, this wasn't a date, after all. So he didn't need to ponder much about the place.

"I'll make it up to you next time then."

"I was actually just kidding." I chuckled, waving my hand. "But I have a place I want to go to right now. Do you mind?"

"Anywhere with you," he confidently said and I snorted humorously. "So where to?"

I sipped on my drink for the last time before standing up. I adjusted my sling bag over my shoulder and smoothened my dress. When I turned back to Jimin, he too had gotten out of his seat and was already looking expectantly at me.

"Keys." I held my hand open and Jimin lifted a brow at me. "I'm currently stealing your car."


A pout formed on my lips, unimpressed with how much of a slowpoke Jimin was at the moment.

"Just give me your car keys, Jimin. Or I'll just have to find it in your pockets," I said impatiently and attempted to actually reach for them.

"Fine, fine." Blocking my hands, he dug through his pocket.

Satisfied, I smiled. Come to think of it, Jimin was wearing casual clothes. White shirt, fitted jeans and sneakers. For once, he actually got out of the same business attires I'd always seen him in.

With a wide grin, I linked my arms with him and exclaimed, "Let's go then!"

He laughed as we stepped out of the coffee shop.

The sun shone too bright that I had to shield my eyes. On the other hand, Jimin put his sunglasses on and it felt like I was suddenly with a fashion icon. What a show-off. But if you'd look at it the other way, I bet he was just trying to hide the way his eyes probably squinted and how they could've disappeared at that instant.

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