23: Fall

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"I heard the two of you sneaked out last night."

I placed the serving spoon down and shot Taehyung a disapproving look for the smugness in his voice.

We were currently at the dining hall where a breakfast buffet was prepared for us. Hira had woken up early this morning, insisting that we head here already so we have more time to prepare for the wedding this afternoon.

Of course, she hadn't hesitated to nag me out of bed, considering that she was not aware that I went out late. When I came back, I also took the note off the bedside table since it wasn't necessary anymore.

So after forcing me out of bed and getting out of the room, we had met Taehyung and Jungkook by the hallway and decided that we should all grab breakfast together.

"You make it sound like we did something illegal," I jested.

"Because what else would you both do?" Taehyung speculated, wiggling his brows out and I shot him a judging look. Whatever he was thinking of, I need not to know. He could keep it to himself.

"Speaking of Jimin, where is he?" I asked, raising my brows up.

"His parents came earlier. I think he's with them right now," informed Taehyung. Then, he stepped closer and leaned in. "Get ready to meet your in-laws, Haneul."

I squinted my eyes at him and nudged him with my elbow. "I don't know about you but I'm starving, and I'm going back to the table to eat."

Taehyung chuckled and as I turned on my heel, he remarked, "Right, because you need the energy to face them." Another chuckle. "Eat well!"

Things went according to plan after breakfast. Chaerin hired a few make-up artists and her wedding organizer had been assisting us and Chaerin's other relatives with their gowns and everything else. The bride surely had everything prepared for her special day, and we all couldn't be more happy for her.

Hira and I had finished first and decided to pass by our room before heading down the lobby. We had half an hour left to spare while everyone else was still busy.

"I haven't seen Jimin since this morning, do you know where he is?" Hira began, but I was distracted when I saw a familiar figure entering one of the hotel rooms. "Hey, are you listening?"

I cleared my mind and snapped my head to Hira. "Tae said he was his with parents earlier."

"Has he contacted you?"

"Nope." Well... I must admit that I was actually waiting for a text, not that he was obliged or anything though. We were all on the same floor, so if anything, I could just check on him. But there was no need to do that. He was still probably getting ready.

But if that were him I had just seen, then I'd assume he was all done grooming himself.

"I'm getting impatient." Hira held on both sides of her waist and I silently chuckled, amused that she was more anxious about this than I was. "Why can't the two of you just finally get together and have kids already. It's obviously where both of you are heading anyway."

Preparing my words to calm her down and to point out how futuristic her ideas were, I released a long breath out. I opened my mouth, but my voice got caught up in my throat when I was suddenly pulled to the side with a disembodied low hushing noise. The next thing I heard was the tiny click of a door.

To be very honest, for a split-second, I was way too appalled. But when I heard the soft hush, my emotions had been replaced with disbelief.

Five freaking years, yet he still had his habit of pulling my wrist.

Plus the thud of the door was so familiar except that this time, I was pulled into a room than out of my unit.

I was leaning my back on the door, one arm trapping me just a few inches away from the side of my face, and a hand still gripping on my wrist.

The owner of the said hand stood before me, clad in a velvet black suit. Strands of his equally black hair covered a portion of his eyes that currently held me captive. I blinked nonchalantly, shooting him a bored, questioning look.

"What a classic, Mr. Park," I remarked, and a low chuckle escaped his lips.

"I know," he confidently replied.

And then no one spoke a word.

We stood there in the same position, staring at each other's eyes as if we were letting them communicate on their own. No more walls nor boundaries to separate our souls from each other.

"Is this the part where your eye tricks make me fall in love with you?" I joked. "Because I don't think it's working."

"I have to admit that I would go for a trick that would make you fall in love with me," he said. "Though I must say that simply staring at you at this immense distance is enough for me."

I narrowed my eyes at him, making a face. "You're so boring." I rolled my eyes.

"And what does that mean?"

"I don't know..." I shrugged, a grin threatening to appear.

"You look... beautiful," he whispered. "As always."

My cheeks warmed up all too suddenly, but I kept my expression neutral to cover it up. "You don't look half bad yourself, Mr. Park."

He brought his grip lower and intertwined our fingers. He raised it between us and glanced down at it, as if he were studying how they perfectly matched each other.

"Min Haneul, can we start over and forget everything that happened in the past?"

"Does that mean to also forget that day you pulled me out of my apartment, and those late night walks and talks? Because that doesn't sound so much fun," I said, smiling widely.

Jimin shook his head, and there went his smile that I missed so much. Then, it turned into a sly smirk as he leaned closer, our noses touching before he rested his forehead on mine.

"You can keep those memories if you want them badly."

"Yah!" I chuckled incredulously and nudged him on chest with my free hand. "Who said I do?"

"Who said you don't?"

More giggles left my lips and I sighed dreamily. "Do we really need to start over?" Jimin raised his brows quizzically. "Or can we just continue from where we left?"

Before my words seemed to register in his head, I leaned forward on my toes, wrapping my arms around his neck and my lips soon met his soft ones. The suddenness froze him for a second, but I felt him smirk against my lips, before his fingers slid their way to my nape and his other hand on the small of my back as he pulled me in closer.

— ✿ —
you have reached the last chapter of this book, and the epilogue will be published soon.

but before that, I'd like to know your personal thoughts and opinions about Butterfly and also with the whole series itself starting from Paper Cranes. if you could comment or message me about it, I would really appreciate it sooo much!

from the bottom of my heart, thank you for supporting the series. see you in my next projects, hopefully!

with so much love,

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