The problem

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Henley pov

It's been 2 months since I found out I was having a boy and he could come anytime now . For some reason the girls have not been very nice Lately . They hit , scream , cry , push , and so on . It's like they woke up one morning and just started hating us . If your a mom and your kid acts like thy hate you then you know what I'm going through . Sometimes I just can't help but to cry . Niall is just as upset as I am and we have fought more in the last three days then we have ever . And it's not just little meaningless fights , most of them are big fights . we need to figure this out soon or it might just rip this family apart .

"Henley , your such a idiot !" nialls voice boomed

"Excuse me ?" I ask with sass clear in my voice .

"You heard me . FYI it's not cute to play dumb sweetheart ."

"That's enough . I'm so done with this ! are family is falling apart and we are letting it happen ! I'm not loosing you again niall ! " I scream

"How do you think I feel ! if I loose you I'm not just loosing you ! I'm loosing my kids , my house . then on top of that simon would make me date some perfect model and I don't want a girls who is perfect to him I want you , a girl who's perfect to me !" he said with tears ready to spill

"And I don't want anyone but you either niall . but if we want this to work we need to find the problem and get rid of it ."

" And I agree but how ? " He asks

" Therapy maybe ? or like a counselor ?"

" Or both ?" he suggests

" Yah probably both ." I answer

" You know I love you right ?" he asks me

" Of course I know , and I love you . "

He pulls me into his chest and just holds me . I wrap my arms around his torso and hold him also .

" I'm sorry princess ."

" Im sorry too babe ."

" I love you "

" I love you "


Sorry I haven't updated in a while ! I've been so busy ! I made my school dance team though so that's exciting ! any who sorry it's sucky ! THE STORY IS ALMOST AT 2k !

- ❤️

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