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Henley pov


"I'll get it !" Bently yells

She opens the door and Louis is standing there with wide eyes . he bends down to her level and looks at her a while until he finally spoke

"Who are you little miss ?" he asks

"I'm Bently !" she tells him

"Uhm who's your mommy and daddy ?" he asks her

"Well mommy is in the kitchen and daddy's playing with sissy in the living room !" she tells him since she doesn't know are real names

"Why don't you show me the living room !" he tells her

"Ok" she says grabbing his hand . I start running to the living room and get in there before Louis and Bently .

"Niall ? are these your girls ? " Louis asks him

"Uhhh yah this is Bently and this is destiny , you know Henley ." he says introducing the girls


"I'll get it !" I tell them .when I open the door liam , Zayn , and harry are all standing there .

"Hello boys come on in and I'll show you the living room " I tell them

They follow me to the room and there jaws drop as they see the girls .

"What are those ?" harry asks

"Well Harold those are mine and nialls daughters." I tell him . Me and harry have a past . I met him about a year ago . we started dating , he told me he loved me . he started talking about niall and I ran . he never knew I had a daughter with niall until now .

"Your daughters !" he yells

"Yes our daughters now please lower your voice your scaring them . " I say calmly

"Lower my voice ? I told you I loved you when all along you had a children with him !" he yells

"Just because you told me you loved me doesn't mean I loved you back !" I yelled immediately regretting my words

" I only loved niall , I dated you to see if I could get over him and I couldn't ! then you mentioned him so I ran ! " I yell the truth

"You were using me to get over a breakup ? " He asks me the sadness clear in his eyes

"Well not exactly , I never got over him so I was just dating you to get him off my mind but it didn't help ." I say wishing it wasn't the truth

"Well I've never gotten over you so I should just leave ." he says grabbing his jacket

"No stay !" I tell him

"Fine " he says

"DINNERS READY !" I hear el yell

We all walk into the kitchen and fill are plates . Right when Louis eyes hit Eleanor he couldn't take them off .

" Eleanor this is Louis , Louis this is Eleanor ." I introduce them . She looks up and sees Louis . her eyes widen and she starts to drool a bit .

" Uh h-hi I'm Eleanor but you can call me el !" she stutters

" I'm Louis ! spelled l-o-u-I-s but the s is silent !" he tells her with admiration clear in his eyes . She giggles as her cheeks turn bright red .

We all go into the dinning room and take our seats .

"Are you going to tell them or am I ?" Niall asks . I look around the table . niall is sitting by my side with destiny next to him . Bently is next to me , el next to Bently , Louis next to el , harry next to Louis , liam next to harry , and zayn next to liam .

" Uhh I'll tell them ." I whisper back

" Uhm excuse me guys but we have a big announcement ! ok here it goes .................. I'm pregnant !" I tell them with a huge smile on my face .

Harry gets up and leaves nocking his glass plate on the floor on his way out .

" I'm sorry for his behavior but I'm sooo happy for you guys !" liam tells us and the boys agree .

"Thankyou ! I just wish he could be happy for me . " I tell them truthfully

Niall leans over and gives my a kiss on the cheek . I blush immediately . we finish eating and the boys leave. me and niall sing the girls to sleep and tuck them into bed . we climb into bed after a long day and fall asleep . that night I dream about my future but for some reason the boys arnt involved .

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