Streling City

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The Queens are taking their five year old son Oliver Queen to see the Avengers movie after the movie Oliver says that he wants to be like Hawkeye so he asks him mom if he can take archery lessons is say your to young sweetheart but before dinner they go buy him a Hawkeye outfit then they go to dinner.

At dinner Robert gets a phone call he tells Moria that he has to go to Central City for a few days usually he takes Ollie with him but this time he would be to busy with Queen Consolidated a few days later Moria just put Oliver down for his nap as Malcolm walks in they start making out they are having sex when Oliver comes downstairs he sees Malcolm and his mom as he says mommy why is Mr Merlyn hurting you? She stops and they cover up as she says he's not we are just playing but don't tell your daddy ok Ollie asks why Moria says if you don't tell your daddy then Malcolm will teach you archery he says ok and runs off yelling yay the next day Malcolm is teaching Oliver and his son Tommy archery and Oliver is doing really well.

Robert gets back from Central City as he wants to surprise his wife he walks into their bedroom only to find her in bed with his best friend Malcolm Merlyn he thought she was cheating on him but he didn't expect it to be with Malcolm he walks up pulls Malcolm off of her and then punches him in the face then walks out Moria goes after him as he says how could you do this to me and with Malcolm of all people? He says I'm sleeping in the gust room we will talk about this tomorrow as he walks away to claim down he checks on Oliver who is asleep as well as Tommy.

The next day Oliver is out with the nanny as Robert and Moria talk he says I'm leaving you and and I'm taking Oliver with me you can have everything else Moria says I want to at least see my son as Robert says of course you can see your son  Oliver comes home as he does he sees his dad crying as Moria has a sad look on her face Oliver says daddy what's wrong Robert tells him we are moving to Central City just the two of us.

When they are in the car Oliver says is this my fault daddy? Robert looks at his son and asks what makes you say that son? Cause I seen mommy with Mr. Merlyn and she told me if I didn't say anything I could learn archery  I'm sorry daddy Robert looks at Ollie and says son it's not your fault sometimes mommy's and daddy's just grow apart but your mother shouldn't have done that to you Ollie.

Oliver says don't worry daddy your always have me can I still take archery when we get to Central City? Of course Ollie.

It's five years later and Oliver is ten years old now and he's doing very well with archery and he has made friends one in particular is one Barry Allen who is nine years old and Oliver's best friend and biggest fan he always cheers on Oliver at all his archery competitions then one day Oliver is hanging out with Barry.

Barry says Ollie what would you say if I told you I like someone Oliver says while trying to sound happy who is the lucky girl? You see Oliver is gay but he hasn't told Barry that he has a crush on him and Barry knew since he was seven that he was gay and that he likes boys the way he should like girls but he has always wanted to be with Oliver but he thought Oliver is straight.

What if I told you then he stops talking and before he chickens out he kisses Oliver as Oliver is surprised he then deepens the kiss as he's thinking yes once they break apart for air Barry starts rumbling as he says I'm sorry it's just I've wanted to do that for awhile now before he can finish his thought Oliver is kissing him passionately again after words Ollie puts his forehead on Barry's forehead as he says I've wanted to do that since the first time I saw you Barry Oliver says with that said will you be my boyfriend? Barry answers him with a passionate kiss and says yes.

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