Oliver Confronts Hunter

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Once school is over Oliver goes to find Hunter as he says hey sexy Oliver grabs him an takes him to an empty room as Hunt holds his hand up so his lackey stay out of it he says my man and I need some one on one time Kalus hears this an storms off as Oliver shoves him into the room he says I like it rough love.

Oliver says in his angry voice don't call me that we fucked once that's all it was a weak moment on my part and you meant nothing to me now give me that type you had Lex make of you and Sebastian or your what one word from me and your little dead boyfriends life is over you see I know the truth and why you care so much about Sebastian cause he's actually Barry Allen Hunter tells him.

What are you talking about Barry is dead he died in the car accident oh Oliver don't play dumb with me cause I know more than you think I do like how the FBI agent thinks my father who is Deathstroke killed the Allens and how your mother is also the reason that Barry is in hiding but there are two things you don't know about my father yes he's an assisn but he doesn't kill kids unless they've seen his face but luckily Barry was to busy on his phone Oliver punches Hunter.

Hunter says I'll give you that one cause my dad and your mom made poor Barry lose your daughter Oliver looks at him as to say something but Hunter says yes I know about that so your going to text him and tell him that you don't want to see him anymore and that he can't see your son ether if he comes near you with out it being a glee event then his sex type goes to both schools oh and I have someone at McKinley who has been keeping a close eye on him everywhere he goes so it's not just this type there are others he's been a busy little slut he says as he laughs he gets punched again by Oliver.

What happens if I don't agree to this blackmail oh his sex life will be on the internet forever and if you don't agree then I will kidnap him and take him some where and make him a sex salve for me and all my friends Hunter is about to call someone on his phone as Oliver says I want your words that if I do this and we get together he will be safe and your not fucking me Oliver states Hunter says you have my word that as along as you are my boyfriend he will be safe and you will be the one fucking me but you can't fuck anyone else Oliver is in tears as he's texting him.

Bass: I don't want to see you and our date is not going to happen I don't love you I never did and I don't want you to see our son anymore and don't come around anymore I've seen how you've been giving yourself to any guy that will fuck you we are done lose my number also.

After he sends the text Hunter says oh and you no longer hangout with the losers Tommy and Felicity and your going to get our sex monkey back Oliver says no you leave Ray alone you already took everything from me your not getting anything else from Ray he yells fine I don't need him I got you Hunter says.

What they didn't know is that in that big empty class room Ray and Kol where in there as Kol was giving Ray head see Kol is the black sheep of his family cause his dad had an affair with his mom so he's Lex and Klaus' half brother and his mom died when he was five so he lives with the Luthors as his father is Lionel Luthor.

Luthor family are far from saints and his brothers found out he was gay they said if he didn't do what they said they would tell there dad you see as a Luthor Lionel expects you to be and act a certain way and being gay isn't part of that of course being the black sheep doesn't help you see Luthor's are supposed to be ruthless and heartless but Kol is more like his mom he doesn't care about the money and the power he cares about being nice and caring that's why Ray fell for him.

Kol met Ray in the fifth grade and he became friends with Kol and when Ray found out who he was Kol was afraid he would lose his only real friend but Ray told him he didn't care that his last name didn't make him who he was it's who you become then Ray kissed him passionately and that moment is when Kol knew and they secretly started dating then Lionel sends them to Dalton for school and Ray was stuck in Smallville Ray says we have to help Oliver and we have all we need on the recoding Kol says we will but we have to send a copy of this video to someone trustworthy Ray thinks Tommy and Felicity they are Oliver's best friends with that Ray sends the video to them.

Kol says we have to get to Sebastian cause Klaus is going to be pissed that Hunter is throwing him away so he's going to get back at him by going after Sebastian or Barry who ever he is and he's worse than Lex and Hunter combined he will use Sebastian till he gets tried of him or till he realizes that Hunter never love him he just used him in my brothers own twisted way he loves Hunter it's one of the reasons he stopped giving me a hard time about you even though they did what they did to you and i couldn't stop them Kol Baby focus we need to find Sebastian who we don't even know Felicity and Tommy's phone goes off Felicity opens the text as she says oh my god I'm going to kill Ray I didn't need to see that Tommy says that's hot but that sounds like Oliver in the back ground arguing with someone Felicity sends it to her laptop where she can work on the back ground noises.

Five minutes later they are listening to it and at the same time they both say oh my god they look at each other with looks of what do we do with this? Then Tommy's phone rings and it's Ray asking if he knows where this Sebastian or Barry would go Tommy and Felicity think but it's been almost a year they have no idea where he would be.

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