The Talk Part Two

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Oliver gets to his house knowing that City an Tom are off at school so he goes to look for his dad but what he finds is Donna Smoak and his dad making out he's shocked but he's happy his dad found someone and he's glad that it's Donna Smoak and not someone else he's always liked Donna as she actually acted more like a mother to him than his own mother when she met Barry she was the one that told him Barry liked him and she thinks they would make a cute couple Oliver told her he was gay before he told his own mother but he had a feeling Donna knew already as she would joke around with him about Barry and how she knew that Oliver liked Barry also.

He clears his throat as Robert says Ollie how long have you been standing there and we where going to tell you but with Oliver cuts him off as he says dad I'm happy that you found someone who makes you happy and I'm glad that it's Donna who is more like my mother than my own mother but we need your help Robert says who's we as Barry comes up behind Oliver and says hi Mr Queen and Ms Smoak they both say Barry your alive as Oliver says yes that's why we need your help we will tell you everything do you think that you can help him dad? I can try but how is this possible the FBI agent told us you died Barry tells Robert and Donna everything.

After hearing that Donna says I heard Moria on the phone that day she was secretive she went into her office to talk about something and all I made out was her saying ok and she would wire the money to an off shore account I didn't think anything of it and then the next day Felicity told me what happened to you and your parents she hugs him I'm so sorry for your lose but if this is true we can't tell Tommy or Felicity till it's over they all shake their heads I wasn't going to tell anyone.

But last night at the panic off I seen Oliver and after he ran off I did also and I knew I couldn't lie to him if he was in the same state both Robert and Donna say of course not so we have to make sure when the other two are here we call you by Sebastian as Robert says it's a good thing that most of these rooms are sound proof except the baby's room on cue little Barry starts crying as Oliver takes him to Barry's room he says go head baby pick up our son as soon as Bass picks him up he stops crying as Barry starts crying saying hey baby boy I'm your other dad as baby Barry looks at him he smiles Donna says he knows that his daddy's have him she says do you want to feed him she hands him the bottle and he feeds his son As Oliver takes a picture of him with there son after he's done eating Bass burps him and says he's so beautiful Ollie as he says well you helped bring him into this world baby your parents would be so proud of you.

You mean us since he came from the both of us he's so perfect I wish my parents could have met him he says as he starts crying he puts his son down for his nap as Oliver pulls him into a hug and says I'm sure that they are both watching over all of us right now as he rubs circles on his back as he's holding him tight.

Robert calls Sam Winchester and asks him to meet him at his house as he gives him the address an hour later Sam is knocking on the door Donna answer as she says come in she steps aside so he can come in then she shuts the door and takes him to Robert's office where he sees Sebastian and Oliver sitting together as Robert says please Mr. Winchester sit down we need to talk.

Sam sits as Robert says I know that you are protecting Mr Allen by giving him the new identity as Mr Symthe don't be mad at him I've known him since he was five years old and he an my son have been together since he was nine and he ran into him last night and my son and him have always told each other the truth and when my son run off last night after seeing him at their school function he ran off and Barry couldn't lie to my son while they where in the same state they know they are it for each other and I know to most adults it looks like just two kids being young and dumb but I've seen the two of them together since they were young and they have been together since the day they met even if they didn't know exactly at that age.

My girlfriend says that she heard a phone call my ex wife made to someone the day before we found out about the Allen's she can tell you what she heard then if you can look into that then you may have a lead he tells Sam.

Sam says I need her to tell me what she heard word for word Donna tells him as he writes it down he then says I can look into Moria Merlyn and if any of this is true then it will help with the case.

Sam says look you can't tell anyone else that Barry is Sebastian and I do understand how it is to find your true love at a young age I wasn't as young as you two but when I was sixteen I found my wife and we both got married after high school and shortly after we had our son witch I'm sure you've met he's on the lacrosse team as well as swim team and in glee club and he's told me all about the new student I think he has a crush on you Bass blushes as Oliver says why wouldn't he my baby is hot and smart an he's Barry kisses him passionately to stop him from saying what he knows he was about to say Sam says I have to get back but I will keep you informed and hopefully we get this guy soon but before I go you guys have to act as you have been they both say we have talked about it and will then Sam leaves.

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