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I reached for the child, bending down, I picked her up. Her small arms clung around my neck making me laugh. She giggled along with me, I tossed her onto my hip as we stared at the camera. The flash went off making Jenna gasp.
"Jenna, it's okay!" I smiling at her small round face. Her vibrant green eyes focused on me. Her face scrunched up and she pressed her nose to my cheek.

"Jace!" My name was called, my eyes flickered over to the voice. A boy in a blue shirt with a note pad was walking towards me. He would get my quote. My mind flickered over the possible questions that he could ask. I had been preparing for this.

"How does it feel to be the first female alpha ever?" He asked, looking over his black glasses frame. I gave him a bright wide smile, bouncing Jenna on my hip to keep her happy.

"I am completely honored!" I exclaimed, excitement was very clear in my voice. That would give him his quote.

"What will you do when you meet your mate?" He threw a question that made my smile falter. This question had been tossed through my mind more than once.

"Well, my pack is my main priority. I will be their Alpha and nothing less. I will however share the title-"

"And if your mate is another alpha?" He interrupted me.

"Then power will be shared and packs will be merged." I doubted I would be paired with an alpha. I had already been introduced to half of them. The urge to make pure blood offspring was stamped into their heads by their parents.
Power crazed, some had even offered to forget the Mate bond and force one with me.

Jenna placed her head against my head and sighed. She was getting tired. This was the party before the ceremony. I would become the Alpha of my pack tomorrow night.

"I would love to answer more questions, but my sister is extremely tired... a two year old can only make it so far." I laughed, and continued to walk towards our car. Once I got inside my mom took Jenna from me. Her sleeping body snuggled into hers.

"Good job J, we're proud of you." My dad smiled at me. His green eyes sparked with pride. I smiled back and told him thank you.

The door opened and my other sisters jumped in. Both were 15, and were completely identical.

"Hey, did y'all know there was a chocolate fountain?" Clair chimed, licking her lips.

"Ew, I hate chocolate." Kris scoffed, crossing her legs. Her pale green eyes flickered to me, a devilish smile spread across her lips.

"Did you meet a special somebody?" Clair's ears perked at the mention of me possibly meeting my mate.

"Absolutely not, I'm destined to rule a pack alone." I laughed at their eagerness. Their faces fell, they both slumped back into their seats. The limo started to drive, and Kris took a deep breath... she was about to make a speech.

"The age that you can start meeting your mate is sixteen. You're turning 21 tomorrow, it's been five years and you still haven't found your mate. Does this mean finding your mate is harder then what we thought it actually is? Because I've been preparing myself for my mate since I found out that true love was within years reach." Clair nodded her head in agreement, and I watched my mom press her lips together. I knew she was worried about my mate situation, but I have strong faith in the moon goddess.

"What if he was killed by the Blood Alpha... Did you hear? He killed once again another person." Tension fell into the car, it was so thick that you could cut it like butter. Another death by the Blood Alpha, this would be his 40th kill this year.

As soon as I got home I went straight to my office. I pulled out my file and added the report that had been placed on my desk about the kill. I pulled out my paper and wrote the information down. I stared at the paper, my lips turning down into a frown. Would any decent Lycan kill this many people without a reason? This was the question that is constantly asked. Most believe they have the answer to that question, no. No, there is no reason for these murders.
As I continued to look and read over all the deaths, my conclusion flickered through my head. The Blood Alpha has a hit list and a certain killing method.

Every victim is killed the same way in each pack. I cringed as I realized my pack just had it's first victim. We had all thought the compassion pack would be skipped over. We had no enemies, we were the wolf version of Canada. I couldn't bare to read the details on his death. Would I be next? Would the Blood Alpha come after the first female alpha? I sat back in my chair, my mind flying with possibilities. Could my sisters be next? My father? My mother? Any of my other pack members... I pulled out a blank piece of paper and picked my favorite pen, and wrote my first law that would go into action by tomorrow night.

All pack members will lock their doors before dark. Open them after the sun has come up, and nobody is to leave or enter unauthorized.

I will keep my pack members safe.

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