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"Are you sure you will be okay?" I asked my dad, as he cut his eyes at me. I was worried about the events that had taken place last night. My mind still lingered on Jeremiah, with his astonishing eyes that held nothing.

"Of course I will be okay. It has already scarred up." A small smirk is present on his lips. My father was too prideful of me to not bestow my own honor, even if it meant lying to me. I took a deep breath and tossed my father a stern look. I nodded my head in acceptance, there was no use in arguing with him.

The pack buzzed with excitement, the dirt roads were flooded with members. Stores had lines out the front door. We had to set up road blocks to keep cars off the roads. Lights were strung over houses, people were grilling in their back yard. I had noticed that nobody was conversing about my fathers near death. We were all in our perfect bubble.

I was bubbly along with my pack, but I wasn't to the extent that they were. Though I had a smile pressed against my lips and joy in my heart, my mind was focused on him. The small smirk of his lips made my heart jump. Although he was a killer, my body still reacted to him in the most mysterious ways. I wanted to hate myself for it, but how could I hate myself for something I didn't understand. 

"I guess I will be seeing you tonight then..." I flashed my own brilliant smile at him. I snatched up a finger sandwich earning a glare from my mother. 

For the most part I lingered around my sisters. They kept me occupied and entertained. I stayed with them for as long as I possibly could before my mother swept me up and took me into a separate room. I was poked prodded and stabbed by people altering my dress, and yanking my hair. I kept a gleeful smile on my face and allowed my mind to replay the prior night. When they did my makeup, I closed my eyes. Jeremiah's face flickered through my mind. How intense his stare was, and how cold his eyes were. The alpha he willingly served and the fear that swept through our species because of him. Maybe I wanted to help him escape, compelled by my nature, compassion seeped through my veins. This idea rolled around in my head for a little while before I was able to remember how intense the pride was that radiated off of him. The way he stuck up for the blood alpha. His words echoed in my head, and suddenly the idea of him even wanting "help" was destroyed. 

Jeremiah was gone... I would never see him again, so I should let him go. Though this felt nearly impossible for me to do. My mind should not fluctuate from my purpose, I was going to become the first female alpha. There was no time for my mind to linger on a killer. 

"Are you actually nervous?" Sam mocked me. I scoffed at her a small smile played on my lips.

"Of course I'm not nervous!" My voice hardly wavered. She was misreading my pondering as nerves. Though I was silent and unsettled at the lingering thoughts of Jeremiah King. 

"You aren't talking as much as you usually do." She mumbled, all traces of humor gone from her voice, replaced with worry. 

"You shouldn't be worried about me Samantha," I peeked from my closed eyelids only to be fussed at for messing up the eye-shadow. "Worrying will give you wrinkles." 

"I'm not worried," She grumbled. I could easily imagine her crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. 

Sam and I had been friends since Pre-K, I knew when she was worried. She did it often, worrying, It is kinda her thing. Biting her nails and flinching when unknown hands touch her are bad habits she formed. Sam was the kind of person to keep granola and water under her bed in case the world was coming to an end. We had counter opposite personalities that often clashed in a bad way. I also feel like I push her out of her comfort zone, which isn't a bad thing for her. 

"Whatever you say, Sam." 

As soon as my makeup was finished I was dragged to a different room where I was forced to rehearse my speech patterns to make sure I spoke clearly. I of course was flawless. I had been taking classes for my speech since I was 10. It was a quick run through of my speech, I didn't need to rehearse it over and over again. It was perfect he first time I did it, therefor I got out early. The speech was nearly perfect and I ended up not having to spend that much time in there. 

I got a good bit of extra time considering how fast I was going through the preparations. I had been preparing for this moment since I was younger and a male child had failed to be conceived.  

I took my extra time to curl up and read a book. My mind needed to be entertained for a further time before I failed to have any time. I enjoyed a good book every chance I could get. It soothed me and took me to another world. A world where pressure wasn't pressed down on my shoulders and I wasn't the first female alpha in the werewolf history.

A knock on my door brought my attention from my book.

"Come in." I called out, folding the page and sliding the book under my pillow. The door handle creaked and slowly opened. I furrowed my eyebrows and placed my feet on the floor. I padded my way towards the door, my heart finding a more erratic pace.

I threw the door back only to gain a small yelp from a new maid.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" I laughed. I didn't know what I was expecting to be on the other side of that door. I felt childish for possibly fearing what was on the other side of the door. Reasonably though, considering the past nights events, I had a good reason.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I-I was just... it is time." She stammered, lowering her head in respect I gave her a sly smile before I gave her permission to look up.

"I will be down in a minute." She looked back up at me, careful to avoid eye contact. I took a step back inside before I closed my door and took a step back. It was time. Finally, I would become the compassion packs Alpha. I took a seat on the edge of my bed, taking deep breath and running my hands through my hair.

"Big day, huh?" A dark voice made my head jerk up. A tall man was standing in the corner of my room, my curtains blew and wrapped around his frame. His blue eyes peered at me, and a sly smirk took over his lips.

"Who are you..." I whispered, my mind wondered over to the blood Alpha... except there wasn't enough power in his scent to be an alpha.

"I was sent by the blood alpha to retrieve you, Jace." He smirked at me before he nodded at something, correction, someone behind me. By the time I realized it, it was too late. I had a rag pressed over my mouth and nose. I tried to hold my breath, but eventually I had to breathe. I raked at the strong hands that pressed the rag against my face . I clawed and attempted to pry his hands off of me, but soon darkness started to cloud my vision. I fought it for as long as I could, but eventually I gave up.

Right before I faded, I felt hands grab me and throw me over s bulky shoulder.

and then, darkness took over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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