Fresh Blood

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I stayed up late, running over the Blood Alphas kill's. I finally forced myself to read over the death of my own pack member. It was our old beta, well almost old. Tomorrow everybody will step down, and their children will take their place. I climbed into my white covers, the chilled fabric covered my skin. I let my body relax. My mind continued to wonder. I know that this situation is completely out of my hands, but I feel like there is so much more that I can do to stop the blood alpha. My chest hurt with the anxiety of this entire situation. I was right about the hit list. The method of his killing made me want to cry and throw up. It was like an organized game to him. It felt like the Blood Alpha had taken my mind and wrapped ribbon made of fear around it. I wouldn't be able to handle another death in my pack. My rising beta will never experience the proper ceremony.

I laid in bed my mind running through the deaths, and tomorrow night. I glanced at my clock on my table and let out a long sigh. It was officially past one. I would clearly need assistance with sleep tonight. I threw the covers off my body, letting all of my stored warmth escape. My feet hit the cold marble floor. I tip toed my way through the house even though the only other person who lived with me was Sam, my best friend, I didn't want to wake her up. I worked my way to the kitchen. I flipped the lights on, making my mind wake up even more. I open our medicine cabinets and rummaged around for Melatonin.

"Awe, you've got to be kidding me!" I cried out, not finding the bottle. I had just bought a new one yesterday. I knew I didn't want to wake Sam up, but she stole my Melatonin. I stomped to her room, not even knocking before I entered. The door slammed open making her stir.

"Of course you wouldn't wake up, you're loaded on my sleep medicine." I snip, rummaging through her drawer. I didn't find the bottle and proceeded to crawl on the ground to look under her messy bed.

"It's in my bathroom." She growled, peeping at me through one open eye. I crawled back up to my feet and flung her bathroom door open. There it was, the beautiful green and yellow bottle. I left her room without another word. I closed the door behind me and made my way back to the kitchen. I chewed on my bottom lip as I grabbed a glass and filled it with water.

Suddenly there was a loud knock coming from the front door causing me to drop my glass onto the ground. It shattered causing glass and water to fly over my floor. I stared at the mess, in horror. My ears perked up at the sound coming from my front door. Heavy breathing and slight gasping... something was wrong. Panic surged throughout my body, I rushed to the front door. I avoided my small mess as I did so; I threw my front door open. My sister, Kris, stood there tears running down her cheeks.

"Kris?" I gasped, grabbing her wrist and pulling her in for an embrace. She needed to calm down.

"Jace..." She cried out. I pulled out of our embrace and looked at her. This time I noticed something a little different about her. Blood coated her hands, I felt my face pale as every possible situation that could have caused this to happen flickered through my mind.

"What happened?" I asked, my heart starting to beat extremely fast. I had to stay as calm as possible. It was my alpha duty to remain calm in an emergency situation.

"Father got up to get a drink..." She sniffled, I put my shoes on as she continued to talk.

"He was attacked." oh goddess.

"Wake up Sam... Stay with her." I ordered, she nodded her head without even thinking twice about it. She ran past me, she started to sniffle again.

As soon as my sister was inside and the door was closed I took off running. The wind whipped my hair as my feet hit the ground at a fast pace. My heart was hammering and adrenaline was running through my veins. I was mentally going through all of the questions in my head.  What attacked him, who attacked him? How bad was it? The trees were dark blurs as my figure dashed by them.

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