Still no Jess.

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"Annaleasee hows it going" shouted Jack as he walked over to Anna.

"Jack dont call me know how much i hate it" Anna replied

"Well Sorryyyy not my fault you dont like your name is it"

"I do like my name its Anna...just Anna..not Annaleese..just Anna"

"ok Anna"

"Haha you got it right..for a change"

"um sorry An" jack paused as a car pulled up next to the school gates.

"looks like theres a newbie" Anna said

"lets see what this newbie looks like then" Jack replied

"No, wait..wait until she aproaches us" Anna said quickly evilly glancing at Jack.

"Mother stop fretting over me, i'll be fine" Said a voice coming from the school gates

"ooo she sounds like a stressy one" Jack muttered under his breath.

"shut up Jack, you dont want to scare off the newbie now do we" Anna shouted at Jack

"Pahhaaha me a newbie" A voice came from inside the car.

"Emily, be quiet, you want to make a good impression dont you?" came a fretfull voice

"Mother be quiet your embarrassing me" Emily said as she swung her bag over her shoulder and walked into the school gates, she was wearing black skinnies, a band Tee and doc's with a Black Veil Brides bag.Emily began walking to the wall and perched up against it.

"Jack should we go talk to her.." Anna said

"Nahh, like you said wait for her to come to us" Jack replied

"okay then, i wonder what Jess is going to say about this"

"dont have a clue but here comes Jake so i'll be off, cya later Anna"

"bye" Anna said with a faint smile on her face as she started walking to class,

When Anna got to class she went and sat in her place, she usally sits with Jessica but there was a no show...

"Jessica" the teacher called out "Jessica Alford, is Jessica here" there was no reply.

"Hey Anna, wheres Jess" called Jack from the other table.

" im not sure, i rang her last night asking her to come over but she never showed up. im getting really worried about her" Anna replied

"oh right, well if she doesnt show tommorow then go to her house or something she might just be ill"

"yeah maybe" Anna said as she turned to her work.

1 hour later...

The bell rings for lunch break, and the class files out into the corridor "hey Jack wait for me" Called Anna,

"Sure thing meet in the canteen" Jack replied

"okis"Anna yelled to Jack as a flood of people walked the corridors, Anna began to walk to the cantten and joined a table with Jake and Jack.

"hey guys..any sign of Jess" Anna said with a really worried tone in her voice.

"Err nope.." both Jake and Jack replied as they exchanged look. 

"well im gonna try ringing her so be quiet"

"okay i think we can live with that" Jake replied

Anna picked up her phone and opened up her phone book typed in Jess and pressed dial,there was a loud ringing noise boop boop....boop boop.....boop boop....

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