✌ b e a r ✌

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The cold, wet soggy morning wasn't my favorite thing to wake up to. But then again, it was more relaxing. I didn't need to open my eyes, or even stretch my arm across my bed to know my best friend was right beside me. We weren't dating. Calum just slept over all the time. Before school, after school, even on the holidays when I wasn't at my dads house. And I guess you can throw in the weekends. But Calum was already awake. His arm was lightly draped across my stomach, as we lie there for the morning. "Good morning." he mumbled against my skin. "Does Hannah know I'm here?" Hannah is my big sister. I've lived with her since my mum passed away and my dad moved to Melbourne.

"No," I yawn, my eyes slowly opening. "And she won't be happy either." Boys weren't something Hannah liked. Calum was okay to her, but she kind of thought we were more than friends - and if she found out he was sleeping here, she'd go crazy. Calum opened his eyes too, smirked and ruffled my hair.

"See you at school, then?" he whispered.


Calum got out of my bed, threw his top on, and grabbed his duffel bag. He left the smallest kiss on my forehead before climbing out onto my balcony, and down onto the fresh grass in no time. I'd see him in a few hours, anyway. Nothing to really worry about now. Just as I go to shut my balcony door, my other door opened. "Hey, you okay?" It was Hannah.

"Uh - yeah. Just getting some air," I lie, faking a smile. "I'm fine."

Hannah raised an eyebrow, but ignored me anyway. "Well, just get ready for school, eh?" She asked, rubbing her fingers against one of my Nirvana posters that had teared in the edge. I nod, quickly. She left, closing the door behind her. I turn, and Calum was gone. It was close, yet again. I grab my clothes for today, which was my school uniform, and my converse. The shower was hot and steamy, but it didn't last for long when Hannah started banging on the door. "Hurry up!"

"Yeah, yeah!" I say, shutting the water off, and climbing out. The coldness had already got to me. I had changed, and brushed my teeth before Hannah barges in, annoyed. "Can't you be patient?" I groan, and walk out, carrying my hair brush as I walk back to my room covered in posters.

I had gotten ready for school by 8:30. Hannah drove me down to school then she left for work - she finished school a year ago - leaving me to head to the back of the library where there was a hole in the fence, that only Calum, myself and a few other friends you'll meet.

"Beary nice to see you!" Ashton said, grinning as he threw a grape at me. "See what I did there?"

"Get your own jokes, Ash." Michael groaned. Ashton shrugged, popping a grape into his mouth. This is Michael - or Mikey, sometimes Mike - and Ashton - or Ash. They're two of Calum's friends. Then there is Luke who was walking over with Calum - who you know. These are my main friends. I've got others, but Michael, Calum, Luke and Ashton are like my best friends.

"Hey, guys," Luke said, popping down onto the grass beside me. Calum sat on the other side of me, throwing his bag down.

"So, does anyone have PE first?" Michael asked, and scanned through his timetable. I grab mine out, realizing I hadn't actually read it yet. I did. Turns out we all had our first class together, but then separated on later. We end up tossing Ash's grapes, and saw how far everyone could get them. Time killer. By the time Luke got his the furthest, the bell rang rung. We snuck out, making sure nobody saw where we had came from - as we wanted this spot to be ours - and walked to class. It was basically on the other side of the school. We had volleyball for this week, then whatever it was next week.

"Team captains are Stacey and...Bear!" Of course.

Stacey was the schools biggest ass. She hooked up with every guy every night - sometimes even girls. Stacey had all these parties, and we never got invited to a single one. Not that it bothered me, I didn't see much in her. "Bear, pick me." Ash whispered as I walk towards the center of the room.

"Ash-" Ashton's face drops. "Lee." then lit up, realizing Stacey didn't pick him.

"Ashton." I say.









And so on, back and fourth until we had an even team. Then, the game began. For fifty full minutes, we hit the ball back and forth, arguing over the rules. Then, when Stacey's team scored, she jumped so high her skirt came up to reveal her ass. Typical. Once our teacher, Mr Lee, had called us all do get a drink then come back to sit down, I'm pretty sure my team was all ranting about how unfair it actually was. "It doesn't matter guys, she cheated which meant we would have won." That was Cameron. I'd dated him back in 9th grade, but he moved to Seattle, and we broke up, but then came back a year later. We're just friends now, and it's totally better that way.

"Cam's right." Jesse muttered as she took a gulp of water from her bottle. Once everyone had settled, our teacher gave us some tips, before we were aloud to leave.

"See you at lunch, okay?" I say, hugging Calum. All the other boys had ran off to class already. "Same place."

"Okay, love you Bear."

"Love you too, Cal." I walk up the steps while Calum walks down. I had English next, and my only friend there was a boy named Liam Payne. He hung out with the other football players, and came from England. He transferred because our school had quite a good team, and him and 4 other boys wanted to see so themselves.

"Hey, Liam." I say as I collapse into the plastic seat in the middle row.

"Hi. How are you?"

I grabbed my book and pencil case out, putting them on my table before shrugging. "Eh - tired. You?"

"Eh - good." he mimicked causing me to smile, shoving his shoulder softly. We begun work, writing notes down about a few things, then we just read the rest of the lesson. Liam and I were talking behind our books, so the teacher - who was a plump old woman who couldn't hear anyway - wouldn't suspect anything. After some kid dobbed us in, I had to move to the front of the room, but every now and then I'd glance at Liam and we'd smile, trying not to laugh.

I liked school. I wasn't the type of kid to hate it. I'd never really disliked it, ever. And I hope this year doesn't have to change.

// thank you to @chey_x for helping me write this. if you've got time go check her out. chelsea (or chey whatever you beauties call her) is one of my friends from school and it'd mean the world if you went and read her stuff x

-awktum0blr / tess \\

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