❤ b e a r ❤

9 1 3

it's 11 at night when i started this and i've got school tomorrow ~ but oh well. ~~ love you.


Thank you to chey_x for helping me again. love you babes. xx


"So, how was your first day back? Any new friends?" Hannah asked as we eat ice cream on the sofa watching Love Child.

"It was the same. A few new kids, but none of them are really my friends." I answer, and kick my feet across her lap. We watch the rest of the show in silence before the doorbell rang, which meant someone was obviously here. I got up to get it after arguing with Hannah about who gets it. Swinging the door open, I see Calum.

"Hey," he said. "Hannah home?"

"What? Yes, Calum you're going to get me in trouble." I say, in a hush tone, yet I was yelling.

"Come over? Please." he makes puppy dog eyes at me, and I let out a massive sigh. I tell him to wait there while I go tell Hannah it was Dad. "He is just taking me to his for a moment. Said he needs help with the horses, I'll be back later." I lie. She bought it, and I ran back out to Calum, shutting the door. We walk arm in arm to his house, which was about 10 minutes away from mine. Talking non stop about whatever things we did, time goes by. We get to his small house with the dark brown bricks and a picket fence and this amazing garden.

"Hey, mum! It's just me." Calum called as we ran up the stairs, hoping his mum wouldn't see me. And she didn't. Calum shut the door, and turns his tv on. I collapse onto the pile of pillows he'd already set out on his floor. We play Fifa until 9. He played music, until his dad came rapping on the door sending me flying into his cupboard.

"Calum!" he had said. "People are trying to sleep! And so should you."

Then, once he had left, Calum turned the music off, saved Fifa and I got out of my hiding spot. "So what was - "


His eyes go wide, but dragged me down the hall with him anyway. There, standing in their lounge room was his mother, father and a very cross looking Hannah. It wasn't that Mr and Mrs Hood didn't like me, it was just I had always been getting Calum to be more rebellious and by doing so, his parents didn't...trust me. And then there's my sister. Who thinks boys are absolutely off limits. "You seriously think I wouldn't call dad up to find out if you were actually there? Geez, Bear! I can't leave you alone for one minute without you escaping." Hannah snapped. "And you," she looked at Calum. "Hurt my sister and I will hurt you."

"Calum, how can you just not bother to tell us about Bear coming in and just - oh god! Go to your room." His mum said, whacking him with a pillow as he walked away, looking at me full of sorry.

"C'mon! I'm so sorry, she won't be causing anymore trouble. She'll be going with her dad from now on."

"WHAT?" Calum and I yell in sync. He came bounding back towards us, pulling me towards him. "To her dads?!"

"She's not going to cause any trouble there - "

"You can't do that!" I yell. "You can't just take me away from everything I love!"

"I already talked to dad about it! Get in the car."

"No!" I yell. "I'm not going anywhere!"

Hannah rolls her eyes, grabs my wrist and tugged me from their house, me kicking her shins, hoping for her to let go, but she was too strong. Calum was trying to escape from his fathers grip, but he too, was too strong. "Bear, no! Please! Hannah, let her go! I'll fix her! I'll make her be good! Please!" Calum yelled.

But Hannah had already slammed the car door shut on me, and got in, locking the door. "Hannah! Let me out! You can't do this!" I grab the keys, and unlock the door, sprinting out of the car back to Calum who wrapped me so tightly in his arms, trying not to cry. "I love you, okay? I love you."

"I love you too, Bear. I always will." He whispered, and just as I would have imagined it, my dad was here. This was real. I was leaving. But for how long? No. I can't. "Please! No! I'll make sure she is good! I'll do it, please sir! Don't let her leave me!" Calum gripped my hand, but with Hannah and dad on the other side, I was torn away from Calum. "Bear!" he screamed.

"No! Stop it! Let me go!"

But I'm gone. Gone where I didn't ever want to go. And that is where I stayed.

\\hiya. hope you're good. x//

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