Awkward Airport Rides..

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My alarm sounds as I reach to my nightstand smacking everything on the dresser hoping to disarm it.

Dammit, I can't find it.

I sleepily open my eyes and turn over ot find the time and turn the alarm off.

It's 5:20 a.m.

I sit up and balance myself at the edge of my mattress as I rub my eyes awake. I don't want my mom to leave today.

I hear noise coming from downstairs. Mom must be doing dishes.

I undress out of my flannel fleece pajamas and walk over towards the bathroom, then turn the hot water for the shower on.

Tiptoeing my way into the falling water, I begin to wash my body.



There is literaly nothing for me to wear. It's colder todayh than it was yesterday. I rumage through my closet throwing out several sweatshirts until I find my white tighly knitted sweater and dark blue jeans.

This will do.

I sit on the edge of my bed rolling my black wore out socks over my heels and onto my feet then sleep my boots over them.

Running my fingers through my hair I brush out the tangles and look at myself in the mirror.

"Jeeze" I sigh.

I look so tired, there are slight bags beneath my eyelids. I decide to put on a little makeup trying to hide my sleepiness.

I amaturely apply foundation, light toned blush, then lastely eyeliner to the corners of my eyes. Attempting the cat-eye effect.

I stand back and look at myself once more in the mirror.

"Whoa" I say. "I look kind of..nice?" I smile slightly amused and proud of my sheeplish work.

"Ana, honey!" I hear my mom call from downstairs.

I pick up my backpack from the floor and scurry down the stairs to meet her. She is in the kitchen still.

"Ana, dear, did you sleep well?" she smiles.

I smile back "I did, are you excited about you trip?"

"Oh my! It's a dream come true. I really hope you understand how much this means to me. Thank you for being so mature sweeatheart"

"You're welcome. When are you leaving?"

"Any minute now, I've been waiting for the taxi to arrive, but I haven't seen him yet. Is Harry coming over to get you? I like him he's a-"

"Mom, stop" I cut her off.

She looks puzzled "What's wrong?"

"Er, nothing. It's just early and I'm grumpy"

"Well, you're no honey catching bees this morning."

I smile.

I love her so much, I'm going to miss her.

I look over to the clock on the stove, it's 5:57a.m

Suddenly, there are several knocks on the front door.

"I'll grab in honey, eat an apple of banana."

I get up from the kitchen stool and walk over to the kitchen counter and peel a banana.

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