A Prince

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I sauntered about the woods surrounding the castle grounds. My mother had always wanted my father to fail—to fall victim to an heir not of his own blood and his legacy demolished. She had succeeded and I was to blame. I had allowed her to lead me with the same deceptive note of promise that she had led my father with so many years ago.

I regretted not heeding the words of the faeries more; I longed to awaken. Now that I was wandering the world alone again once more, things had become rather dull. I had appreciated my mother's companionship more than I had initially thought. I swore inwardly at her traitorous intentions. Why could I not have had normal parents as other children do?

The thundering of distant hooves clamored about my thoughts as I desperately sought out solutions to my problem. If I did not awaken by "true love's kiss" in time, then I would not be able to save the kingdom for my father. He would step down and allow my betrothed to take over; as much as I hated to admit it, I would rather have subjected myself to betrothal than allow for my mother to win my exploiting my selfish desires. Sure, I didn't want to be forced into marriage, but my foolishness had cost my father the entire kingdom. If he did not step down, Phillip's neighboring kingdom surely would have taken us the less amicable way. Marriage was the better solution—by uniting us, they would have avoided a war and expanded the kingdom as both sides had desired.

I ran my fingers through the wispy strands of my hair and pondered a series of plans. I had six months to woo someone, have them awaken me, and declare themselves a challenger to this betrothed. That was the other thing—if my true love was not the betrothed, then wouldn't there be an outbreak of war between the kingdoms anyway? I had not stopped to think of this. Perhaps it would have been better to have settled after all. My wishes became things of fickle childhood the more I examined them. My desires were never meant to be met without great struggle and turmoil. I resisted the urge to begin weeping violently at what I had done by resolving to chart out my course.

I could not speak to a human by normal means, so it was best if I began communicating through the most meaningful ways—through dreams. I would wait until nightfall and begin my journey through the dreaming world of the kingdom to find my true love. But how would I convince them I was real?

This conundrum fastened itself in every corner of my mind and I found myself stumbling about as I attempted to unwind these cords of confusion. The more I tugged at one string, the more hassle I created for myself. Huffing angrily, I considered my situation: should I go to another kingdom and find someone of equal value to protect it? Perhaps a suitor of a higher stance would be a better person to pursue... or would it be less offensive if I were to choose a commoner? They would pose no actual threat and that way there might be leeway and deciding how the kingdom could be run. I didn't mind the notion of being a co-ruler. I mean, who said Phillip and I had to be married in the first place? Why couldn't the kingdoms unite and I marry whomever I want?

This idea appealed to me greatly, though the thought of some distant prince was enough to keep my racing heart in favor of such an idea. But why could I not try both? Of course I would not find my true love right away. This was something that would take time and effort. 

Dread at the thought that somebody might not be who they claim to be in their dreams struck me as swiftly as the arrows set loose from the bows of the hunters that gained their distance from me. Those hoof beats were becoming much louder as I stood and fretted over my options. Could they see me if they were to come upon me? No one in the castle had, so I supposed there was no reason to fear anything.

And I was right, they passed by me without a second glance. Except for one person...

At the back of the group rode a handsome young man with fair light hair and eyes whose shallows wore a cloak of the open ocean. These orbs of fascination found their way right into my silver ones and held them aloft in the center of the forest clearing. He stopped his great black and white steed to stare at me curiously. He could tell that, whatever I was, I did not belong.

I cared not for this man's social status. He was going to be my first attempt. Regardless of who he claimed to be in his dreams, he was it. Smiling, I resisted the fiery urge to wave or speak or do something to keep his attention on me as I now had him. But this effort was futile. Smirking with disbelief, the man blew a kiss across the wind where I now stood.

"If only..." he muttered.

And with that, he disappeared to rejoin the hunt.

God I hoped he was my prince charming. 

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