Chapter 1

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"Always on that damn phone." My Grandma said with a sigh. I just looked up at her through my hood and didn't reply, there was no sense in it. She always nagged at me for having my headphones in and humming away to countless songs.

  Grandma was setting up a makeup station along with countless other backstage workers. I was used to this, the scurrying and swearing trying to get all the outfits and other necessities ready for the onstage performers.

  I don't know why Grandma always insisted on helping, she was the owner of this place. But I guess that's why everyone loves her, she's always been willing to help out.

  Slipping my phone in my hoodie pocket I started helping her too. I set all the makeup brushes in a neat row and cleaned off the cool swivel chairs. It ended up taking 30 or so minutes just to get things ready. It was 4:35PM and the performers for today should be here soon.

"So who's performing today?" I asked only half interested. I was ready to get to the dance studio in the back and just let out all of my stress. "They're lovely boys actually. A boy group called BTS. I didn't charge them for using the stage they were so nice." She smirked at me, "I think they'd all make amazing husbands."

I made a gagging sound and rolled my eyes. "Will you quit trying to set me up with any guy that catches your eye? So far that's been any male who opens the door for you or smiles at you too long."

"Abigail, you're 19 and I'm just trying to help you out. You've never had a boyfriend and I'm scared you're never going to find anyone who can put up with your attitude." She paused, "or your excessive eating."

I looked down at my tummy. I was 5'5" and 109 pounds! That's like not even close to over weight. "You butt, I'm perfectly fine with how I look and I don't need no man to tell me I'm pretty." I pulled my hood down over my eyes more and walked out towards the back of the stadium.

I easily made my way through the maze of long cement hallways and entered into the large wooden floored dance studio. My phone's Bluetooth automatically connected as I scrolled through the list of songs I loved to dance to.

I wanted to start slow today, something that I can sway my body to and just relax. I pressed play on Sia's, Cheep Thrills and took off my hoodie along with my sweat pants. This left me in my black spandex shorts and matching black sports bra.

I wasn't worried about anyone seeing me, the halls were long and only someone who knew the way could come back here. The performers never practice before their concert either, they don't want to wear themselves out.

I began to dance and move my body effortlessly to the beat. I was light on my feet and moving all over the studio with graceful leaps and bounds. My long blonde hair was flowing behind me, following my brisk movements.

I'd done this dance several times, but each and every performance felt like new. I loved to dance, the big smile on my face proved it.

Halfway through the song I got lost even further into the meaning of the words and the movements of my body. The room was no longer there. I was floating in a world of music notes and bright lights. My body was moving like it never had before.

Endless bounding and leaping, swaying my body and twirling on the tips of my toes. That's what I lived for.

I leaped into the air and finished the song by landing in the splits with my back laid down on my right leg and my face looking at the ceiling. I was breathing heavy as I just gawked at how amazing that felt.

My cheeks were sweaty and hurt from smiling as I got up. It was only then that I realized I wasn't alone. "Bravo! That's my granddaughter." My grandma came over to me and hugged me extra hard.

It's Complicated- BTS Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now