221 4 10

YEAR 2102

I walk around the musem with my class

Noticing the dull lighting and dust thats settled here, in its new found home.Im trailing my finger along the dusty glass that holds a brilliant Indian and muscular paint horse statue behind it.

Our class moves on looking around at all the things now foreign to us.All the things of our old world. This is earth, yes, but we are strangers here preety much.This is not our home of beautiful lakes, moutains, and freedom.

Our planet is now run by a higer class of people.High class as in they will do anything to keep us healthy and fed and down here with all the dangers they can't face themselves.

See Earth was never worried about anything but global warming Or so im told.Naive humans we were, We still are.

Global warming wasn't exackly the problem we Should have worried about. Though with all of the rivers and lakes becoming dust bowels or mud feilds then i guess i understand why they were otherwise preoccupied.

See now we live in concrete. or metel houses since forest are scarce and wood is only for the 'clean' to use.

The clean.

They are the people who were popular in the world before the accident. They were the ones who survived because they had money and got to ships before the rest of us knew what was happening.

The Cleans also were called clean because they couldnt find any criminal record on them,the note of having money also made them flawless.Though money gets you nowhere now. At least not down here.

Let me get to the point.

I am alive only to be sacrficed. Thats how this works. I have no record.I have  money but in this world i was born on the ground,not in the sky like the others, so im not important.Irrelevant

"Zara,come on" my sister calls.

Realizing i was at least 50ft away from my class i walk over to her,scanning things along the way.She holds my hand and i smile warmly at her.We've always been close.It's just us left after all. Our parents were gone.

I hate this musem already. Its so boring,old,and,depressing. I look through another glass and its a forest on fire burning to pure nothingness.


Im being sarcastic of course it just makes me angry. Our planet was so beautiful before they came and destroyed it. Before humans decided to sacrifice other humans to pleasure the beast.

"Having fun?" my sister's crush asks her and she blushes, nodding while tucking her hair behind her ear.He smiles and walks away after checking her out once more. They've liked each other for years now.

My name is Allegra Zara Knight.It means Joyful Light Knight. Blame my parents. Thats what they chose.I hate the light as much as the Dark.

I tug my sisters hand towards the next glass and she jumps slightly. I would have to if i didnt know it was fake.I wish they were all Fake. Actually I wish they were all dead.

Infront of me stands the reason our world is so destroyed,Why humans lost compassion, Why people would rather hang themselves then be on the ground and Why people would rather attempt to climb an electrical charged gate or fry in a chemical force feild.

I Glare at the stuffed creature before me just as the class catches up.I Feel my heart start to race and my palms twitch. I hate them with every angry blood cell in my 18 year old body.

"And here we have the deadly Flamers, class."




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