The Things Hidden

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Crap! Hold on!" I yell to him as I pull him up. My hands are sweating as I watch the glowing come closer. We really are in major trouble. No one would deny that right now.I continue pulling him up - until he's safely on a somewhat secure Branch- with his brothers help as we hear more branches cracking and i can feel my pulse in my neck throbbing reminding me of how scared i actually am inside. I keep looking out to see the glowing start to turn to flames one by one,They must have seen us.

I start frantically looking around as do the boys and the tree sounds like its about to give way any minute since It keeps creaking with every single motion we make.I look down and realize the flames are charging this way full speed now as another branch falls that i just climbed off of . It has to be at least 15 creatures head here now.

Looking up and decide we all silently decide we should hide in the top branches since we cant run any longer. My heart began to race as all the flames charge our way as if its a mission. I cant help but feel on the verge of a panic attack. Obviously we've been spotted and i lack the strength and energy to run again,We all do. I have a moment of thinking we aren't going to make it anyways so we might as well give up we cant run. Even the moment we hit the ground we'd be done for. Honestly The tree is going to give and if the fall doesn't kill us then flamers will. Pushing the thought from my head we pull ourselves up higher in the tree,slipping,getting splinters and panting, our breathes becoming white fog as the temperature continues to drop around us,even if we are sweating its freezing.

"w-where do we go!?" They ask at the same time and i have to ask myself the same question as the first Flamer comes into clear view - The horse from earlier-and runs past the tree after circling it once. Then its followed by the rest of the flock, also circling with a few Leopards running behind. I don't know why but after the horse got close the inferno of fire stopped and they all went back to the normal glow as if it was nothing.

"They totally...ignored us..." I whispered to myself. Turning my head, my eyes follow the pack off into the distance as they make their way deeper into the forest causing us all to smile at each other briefly. Our happiness was short lived though as the tree branches started to crack again. Able was the one who decided to climb higher. Since he was lightest,we let him go first, we all carefully made our way up at a slow pace until we landed in a secure area up top. We all climb in and sit catching our breath and looking over bruises and cuts.

"I'll take first, second Alec and able your last okay?" I give orders with no room for discussion since able is the same age as his brother but not a strong and needs more rest.

"Why do i have to be last! I can do the whole night if i have to! im not a little kid any-" Able yells earning a frown and a quick a bop on the mouth from me. He always hated the bops but it got the point across. It still worked to this day since he immediately put his head down in shame and anger turning away from me letting his legs stretch out in front of him and arms folded tightly across his chest.

We all got comfortable in the top of the tree,oddly, the tree had a kind of bulb at the top, if you would call it that, it was kind of shaped like a tear drop or something circular completely enclosed at the top. It looked natural,like the tree did it itself but a part of me couldn't fight the fact that it was a little to well done for a tree to do naturally.

" Its okay, nothing would be up here this high anyways."Alec reassures as he scoots over next to me and relaxes his folded arms to the back of his head for comfort still looking over the treetop.

"You seem so sure," I glance at him and see him giving me a strange look before he says " I wont let anything happen to you. Our mission is to get you home safe with reinforcements."

"I...plan on getting you home because I don't have anyone but you guys left..and Kal." mumbles Able who is obviously still mad.

I reach over and kiss his cheek and stroke his hair lovingly. " i love you,you know i do Abes"

He looks over at me and smiles then returns to his original position. I scoot back being careful not to move to much.

"Whats going on with you and kal anyway?" Alec asked me out the blew. I stay quit trying to gather what to say. He glances at me and i shake my head at him" i don't know....why do you ask? "

I'm no fool I know Alec has liked me forever and now that he's 16 he's developing into a man. He's very mature for his age although most of the teens in Red are since we started training at the age of 8 now.

" You too hang out alot more and i see the way you look at each other,you love him? Right?" He ends up turning his head to face me and i feel the urge to answer " i d-"  I was thankfully cut off by Abes loud snoring. Making me laugh and look over at him, when i turned back to Alec he raised an eyebrow."Continue with what you were going to say az." I knew he wasn't going to let it go so i sighed and answered him in a straight voice after a moment of staring.

"I think we should get some sleep,or rather you. My relationship is not important right now."

He raised his eyebrow and said " relationship? Not important? hmm... Thats all i need. You in a relationship with someone not important enough to you."

His words hit me hard in the stomach like a punch. I didn't mean it like that. Everyone knew i loved Kal so what was he trying to prove?

That i love kal or that i didn't? I look away from him and stare ahead deep in my thoughts for hours. Wondering. Organizing things in my head,our next move,food,supplies and so forth. Thats When i started to doze off. Hours later i woke up Alec to begin his shift. He did so and the night continued in this process: Alec on guard and me having nightmares to wake me up,Able on guard and me having nightmares that woke me up.

When i jolted awake again i was snuggled between the twins. Able was facing me His hand on mine and Alec was so close his breathing was fanning my neck as i laid across his left arm.

Immediately i jumped up and away from them. I backed up into the leaves of the tree encasing us causing it to make rustling noises waking up the twins and that's when they  jumped up and yelled at me with panic and fear on their faces.

That exact moment was when i felt a knife pressed into my neck.

So guys i hope you like im trying o make this story really awesome and i im sure ill rewrite it many times before im satisfied so if any of you have imput feel free to let me know


If you lived on earth where would you be? CLEAN?  RED? Something else? ooooooh maybe a Flamer?

Underground like my friend said lmbo.i love her.

Next update is when i get at least 50 more reads.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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