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(A/N) This is going to be a short chapter to start off the story😊

(Justins POV)

I woke up this mourning by Damon jumping on my bed. I got up and asked him why he woke me up so early.
      (J- Justin D-Damon)

J- Why did you wake me up this early?😴

D- I have something to tell you!!

J- What?

D- We are going on tour!!

J- No way! Really? When?

D- We leave in two weeks!!

  (Raegans POV)

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm going off. I hit the snooze button and rolled out of bed. As soon as I got up my manager Matt called.

  (R- Raegan,M-Matt)


M-Hey I have really good news to tell you.

R- What

M- We are going on tour!!

R- Really!! When?

M- We leave in two weeks!

R- OK can't wait bye.

  (A/N) so what do you think? I know that they broke up but I really wanted to write this. Bye!!


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