Goodbye's and Hello's

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I am writing differently. Their names will be at the beginning😊

~Time skip to end of tour~

Justin- I can't believe tour is over.
Raegan- I know it went bye so fast.
Justin - I am flying back home today and I am going to miss you
I love you so much😭
Raegan- Aww I love you to baby boy. And I promise that we will see each other very soon ok.
Justin- What do you mean very soon.
Raegan - just soon.*he said while getting up to pack*

  Little did Justin know that Rae was planning to move to Minnesota.

~Time skip to leaving~

Justins POV

I had just finished packing everything up to leave. I looked at my phone and saw that it was time to go then I looked up at Rae and started to cry.

Raegan's POV

I closed my suitcase and went to look up at Jay. When I looked up at him I noticed that he was crying. I quickly ran over to see what was wrong.He said "I am just really going to miss you and I don't want to lose you because last time we broke up it was because of distance and I don't want that to happen again" I said " Baby boy you will never lose me ever again ok I promise. Plus I will see you Alot more often than you think okay baby boy I love you".He smiled as he started to stop crying he said ok. Then I realized what time it was a and that we had to go to the airport. We grab our bags and leave the hotel.

~Time skip to arport~

Justins POV

We get to the airport and I start to feel sad but then remember that me and Raegan would see each other soon even if it was just for a small time. We get our bags checked and go through security. After we were done we went to sit in front of our gates. Luckily our gates were right beside each other so we got to sit together. After about 10 minutes of waiting I hear the lady call for all the people for Minnesota. I get up get my stuff. I give Raegan one more kiss before I go and we say good bye or see ya later and I left.

Raegan's POV

I am really sad that justin left but I will see him really soon and I can't wait for that. I hear the lady call for all passengers that are going to Maryland. I get my stuff and get on the plane. On my way home I start to cry a little bit because miss justin but I know I will see him soon. I then lay my head aginst the window  and fall asleep.

Justin's POV
~Time skip~

I get off the plane and look for my dad. When I see him I run and give him a big hug because I missed him alot. We then headed for the car and started to drive home.

When I got home went to get ready for bed. I got ready and layer down and looked at my phone.Then I got a text from Rae.

Text messages

R- Hey baby boy I miss you already but we will see each other soon. I just wanted to tell you I love you so so so so much and I hope that you sleep very well.😊💕💕

J- Aww thanks Daddy I miss you and I love you so so so much more and I hope you sleep good to and I can't wait to see you again.

Rae didn't respond after that because he was already packing to go over there the next day.

Raegan's POV

After texting justin I decided to start packing because I was leaving tomorrow. After I packed everything I decided that I should get a little sleep I have to leave very early.

~time skip to next morning ~
Still Rae's POV

I woke up in the morning and got ready. I got a shower then picked me out something to wear. I picked out something very comfy since I would be flying for a while. When I was done I put all my stuff in a moving van and we left for the airport while the moving van is driving.

We get to the airport and I get out and go in. I go threw the security and go to wait. As soon as I sit down the call Minnesota  passengers to there gate. I get on the plane and we are off.

Justin's POV

I wake up and go down stairs to see my dad watching the news I sit down and start watching. I get fascinated when they say that a plane flying to Minnesota crashed. They said that only two people died one of then being the famouse Raegan beast. When it said that I immediately broke down crying. My dad looked at me and started to comfort me. I started breathing really heavy then every thing went black. I was woken up by my dad he if I was alright and I said I was fine that it was just a dream. He left and I got ready for the day. When I was done I went down to eat breakfast. I was sitting at the table when we heard a knock at the door.

Raegan's POV

The plane landed and I called an Uber to come and pick me up. I told him Justins address and we left. On the way there I was starting to get so happy I couldn't stop smiling. We get there and I get out I see the moving van pull into the house next door because that's were I'm moving. I then get my stuff and go up to the door. I then knock on the door.

Justin's POV

My dad tells me to get the door so I get up and go to the door and open it I am so suprised when I see Raegan standing there smiling from cheek to cheek. I quickly jump in his arms and give him a kiss. I get down and I can't stop smiling. We then go up to my room and watch TV.

We wefe siting there when rae started talking.

Rae- I have one more suprise that I think you may like more than this.
Jay- how could you possibly top this.
Rae- go over to the window and look.

I get up to go to the window and see a moving truck next door. I look closer and see the people carrying Raegan's stuff inside. I jump back on the bed and start kissing rae. He ask if I want to come over to his house and spend the night I say sure and get some clothes.

~time skip~
Justins POV

We were laying down in his bead in his empty room. Earlier get got the TV and got it to work so we were watching TV. I was just staring at him and I guess he noticed because he looked down and asked me if he had anything on his face I said "no in just staring at my handsom boyfriend that's all" he laughed and turned the TV off so we were laying there cuddling when he looked at his phone and saw that it was getting pretty late so we decided to go to bed since we both have school tomorrow. He turned the lights off and layer back down and started cuddling again he started to play with my hair and before I knew it I was asleep.

I'm back I know that I haven't updated in a while but I am going to start updating Alot. I know that this was really bad and I'm sorry I wrote this at like 1am so I'm to tired to check over it so sorry of there are any mistakes😂 I will try to update again tomorrow.


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